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Creating, editing and deleting a learning course

Available for the following Learning plans: Standard, Plus

The Course Creation feature allows you to create a learning course that can include a range of different learning items. For example, it can include an event, module, documents, quizzes, learning files, and more. You can also use this feature to unpubish a course if you no longer want it live; this feature replaces the ability to delete a course. Lastly, you can book into an event, assign the course to your users, add it to your playlist, or share it on social media.

Getting started

Create a course
  1. Click the Your Profile button.
  2. Click the Administrator button.
  3. Click the Course tab.
  4. Click the Create button.
    Cr 1.jpg
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Upload an image.
    • Title.
    • Description.
  6. Click the Create button.
    Cr 2.jpg
  7. Click the Add button.
  8. Select the course item you would like to add.
  9. Complete the required fields for the course you selected.
    Add 1.jpg
  10. Click the Visibility button.
    Add 2.jpg
  11. Complete the required fields.
  12. Click the Close button.
    Add 3.jpg
  13. Click the Publish button.
    Add 4.jpg

Daily activities

Save a course to your playlist
  1. Open the course that needs saving to your playlist
  2. Click the Playlist button.
    Play 1.jpg
Share a course
  1. Open the course that needs sharing to social media
  2. Click the Share button.
    Share 1.jpg

Edit data

Edit a course
  1. Open the course that needs editing.
  2. Click the Edit button.
  3. Make the required changes and click the Done button.
    Edit 1.jpg

Remove data

Unpublish a course
  1. Open the course that needs unpublishing.
  2. Click the Edit button.
    Edit 1.jpg
  3. Click the Three Dots button.
  4. Click the Unpublish button.
    Unpub 1.jpg

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