Available for the following HR Plan: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Employee , Manager , Admin
The Report an Incident feature lets you write a safety incident report. You can include details like the event type, the place, and the hurt body part. Your organisation's worksafe authority will receive the details of your submitted incident and review the provided information. To read further details on how to set up a worksafe authority, refer to the following article.
This section will only be visible if you have enabled the Safety feature via the Menu Customisation feature. To read further details on this feature, refer to the following article.
Please keep in mind anyone on the platform can submit a safety incident report for anyone else, no matter platform access, reporting lines, etc. However, once submitted, the reporter will not be able to view or edit the incident report unless they are the following:
- Admin/owner.
- Worksafe Authority.
- Employee with all employees' custom security permissions to view, modify, and delete. Affected employees can view and delete by default, while a reporter can delete by default.
- Employee with managerial custom security permission to modify. Managers can view and delete by default.
Interactive learning
Daily activities
- Click the Compliance menu.
- Click the Report Incident submenu.
- In the Who Did This Occur To drop-down, select the type of person from:
- Employee
- Contractor
- In the Personnel field, select the affected employee.
- Complete the following fields:
- Incident type.
- Death.
- Electrocution.
- Fire.
- Hazard.
- Illness.
- Injury.
- Near miss.
- Psychosocial hazard (which covers sexual harassment and bullying).
- Non-conformance.
- Property/equipment damage.
- Date of incident.
- Time of incident.
- Incident address.
- County.
- Location.
- Incident description.
- Injured body part.
- Injury description.
- Incident type.
- Click the Add a witness button.
- Complete the Was the Treatment Provided section:
- Yes:
- Place taken for treatment.
- Treatment provided.
- No.
- Yes:
- Click or drag any required files onto the Upload tile.
Helpful Hint
You can upload either a PNG, JPEG, PDF, Doc or Docx file, with a maximum size of 2mb per file and the ability to upload up to 5 files per submission.
- Click the Submit button.
- Click the Compliance menu.
- Click the Report Incident submenu.
- In the Who Did This Occur To drop-down, select the Third party option.
- Complete the following fields:
- Name.
- Date of birth.
- Contact number position.
- Address.
- Manager / Supervisor.
- Incident type.
- Death.
- Electrocution.
- Fire.
- Hazard.
- Illness.
- Injury.
- Near miss.
- Psychosocial hazard (which covers sexual harassment and bullying).
- Non-conformance.
- Property/equipment damage.
- Date of incident.
- Time of incident.
- Incident address.
- County.
- Location.
- Incident description.
- Injured body part.
- Injury description.
- Click the Add a witness button.
- Complete the Was the Treatment Provided section:
- Yes:
- Place taken for treatment.
- Treatment provided.
- No.
- Yes:
- Click or drag any required files onto the Upload tile.
Helpful Hint
You can upload either a PNG, JPEG, PDF, Doc, or Docx file. With a maximum size of 2 mb per file and the ability to upload up to 5 files per submission.
- Click the Submit button.
Explore related content
- Build a safety incident report This article will walk you through how you can build a safety incident report using our Custom Reporting feature.
- Report a safety incident via Employment Hero Work This feature walks you through how your employees can use Employment Hero Work on their mobile phone to submit safety incidents on the go.