The Pay Slip feature allows you to access digital copies of your pay slips, which you can download to your device. You can also print your pay slips if you need hard copies. You can also view your pay slips on mobile using the Employment Hero Work app. Learn how to do that in this article.
Daily activities
View a pay slip
Download a pay slip
Print a pay slip
Further information
Can admins, owners, or managers see employee payslips in the HR platform?
Admins, owners, and managers can only see other employees' payslips on the payroll platform. There is no option to see employee payslips in the HR platform. You can check for any integration issues by going to the payroll integration dashboard - see this article for details.
How do I update the email address to which my pay slip is sent?
To change the email address for your payslip, please contact your employer directly. They will help you in updating your details.
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- Viewing my latest pay slips on my dashboard This article covers how you can access the latest payslips your organisation has sent out via the My Dashboard feature.