Updating my organisations leave allowance templates | HR Web Platform


Leave allowance templates enable you to create pre-defined sets of leave accrual values, which you can then apply to new and existing employees. Allowing you to bulk update leave values for employees if the leave accrual rates or accrual methods change, rather than having to update them individually for each new employee.

This feature allows you to synchronise the leave allowance templates created on your payroll platform and make them selectable within the HR platform. Making sure the HR platform has the latest payroll configuration data and the employee records on the HR platform have the correct information.

Getting started

  Select the payroll platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Payroll KeyPay


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
Payroll Plan:   Standard   Premium
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  We base the default access level on a per user basis and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access and excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Update leave allowance templates
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Leave Allowance Template submenu.
  3. Click the Update From Payroll button.

    Helpful Hint

    The Leave Allowance Template page will now show a grey Updated button and means the HR platform has successfully imported your leave allowance templates from your payroll platform.


Further information

  Select the payroll platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Payroll KeyPay


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
Payroll Plan:   Standard   Premium
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  We base the default access level on a per user basis and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access and excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Ongoing synchronisation with the payroll platform

Once you have connected your Payroll and HR platforms, the HR platform becomes the source of truth for your company settings, payroll settings, and employee file data including updating leave allowance template on an individual level.

When you first connect the two platforms, the HR platform will pull the data from the payroll platform into the HR platform, such as your leave allowance template data. Any additional changes to the leave allowance template after the initial integration requires you to manually update your leave allowance template data.

Once you have imported any recent changes from the payroll platform, you can make amendments to an employee's file, such as their salary history. To read further details on how to manage leave allowance templates on your payroll platform, refer to the following article.

To read further details on how to update an employee's salary history, refer to the following article.

Why does the leave allowance template show as disabled?

The HR platform will show a leave allowance template as disabled, if the data no longer exists on your payroll platform. You can not delete disabled pay categories if you have used them previously in the HR platform. The reason for this is platform data accountability and to make sure that when you use the Audit Trail feature, we display the correct logs of what changes occurred within your platform.

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