How do I export a finalised Pay Run?
Payroll Plan: | Standard | Premium |
You can use the Export feature to download a finalised Pay Run as a CSV file.
Exporting a finalised Pay Run does not include the following items:
- Leave records.
- System generated earnings lines such as leave loading or ETP earnings lines.
Export a finalised Pay Run
- Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
- Click the Pay Run menu.
- Click on a finalised Pay Run that needs exporting.
- Click on the Actions tab.
- Click the Pay Run Actions button.
- Click the Export Pay Run button.
Author recommended
So you have now exported a Pay Run and you are now wondering what next can I do. There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:
- Payroll pay run reporting: Pay run comparison This feature allows you to create a report that you can use to compare your organisation's finalised Pay Runs over a chosen time period.
- Payroll pay run reporting: Pay run inclusions This feature allows you to create a report on the inclusions your organisation has processed within your finalised Pay Runs, with the ability to narrow this data down by employing entity, pay schedule and location.