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Email address is not unique Employment Hero Payroll error via the HR platform


Type Feature Error Name
Import conflict Employee file Employee email address not unique


This error occurs when an employee does not have a unique email address on your payroll platform, because of this, the HR platform will not import the employee record. 


Changing the email address in the employee's file in your payroll platform so it is unique and then re-syncing the two platforms will resolve this issue.

Interactive steps

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Written steps

Resolving this error
  1. Log into Employment Hero Payroll.
  2. Click the Employee menu.
  3. Click the List submenu.
  4. Click on the employee who needs their email changed.
  5. Click the Details button.
  6. In the Email field, enter an unique email address.
  7. Click the Save button.
  8. Log in to your Employment Hero platform.
  9. Click the General Settings menu.
  10. Click the Add-ons submenu.
  11. Click the Actions button.
  12. Click the Update button.
  13. In the Employees section, click the Update from Payroll button.

    Helpful Hint

    The Employees section will now show a grey Updated button. This means the HR platform has successfully imported your employees from your payroll platform.


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