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What are each of the employee file email fields I can access via the HR platform

Personal details

Email field. Description. Example. Key Notifications.
Account email.

The "account email" is the unique identifier of the employee on the HR platform. It is also used to log in.

Active employees can update their account email address and this information will also sync across to your payroll platform.
  • Payslip notifications.
  • Password reset links.
Personal email.

The personal email address field is for recording purposes only, and it does not affect the HR platform.
  • No email notifications sent from this field.
  • Email captured for employer's reference only. 

Employment details

Email field. Description. Example. Key Notifications.
Company email. The company email field is where you can list an employee’s work email. person@company. com

Various work-related notifications, such as notifications related to:

  • Certifications
  • Policies
  • Leave, etc.

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