How do I develop talent with the 9-Box Talent Grid via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR Plan: Platinum
Available for the following User Access levels: Manager   , Admin  

The 9-Box Talent Grid Report feature helps you assess and categorise employees based on their performance and potential. It consists of a 3x3 grid, with one axis representing performance and the other axis representing potential.


You can add employees to the 9-Box Talent Grid by rating their potential and performance within their Employee Scorecard. Learn how to rate an employee's potential and performance in this article.

Daily activity

Viewing the 9-Box Talent Grid


Admins only have view access to employees' performance and potential ratings in the 9-Box Talent grid. Primary Managers can view and edit their direct reports in the 9-Box Talent Grid.
  1. Log in to the Employment Hero HR platform.
  2. Click the Reports menu.
  3. Click the Performance section.
    Screenshot of reports page with performance tab highlighted
  4. Click the 9-Box Talent Grid tile.
    Screenshot of performance reports with the 9 grid box tile highlighted
  5. You can filter or search for a team or individual using the filters above the 9-Box Talent Grid.

    Helpful Hint

    You can hover over a set of initials on the grid to see who it belongs to.

    Screenshot of 9 box grid page with the search team buttons and an employee highlighted

    Helpful Hint

    The 9-Box Talent Grid is shown in the centre of the page. You can hover over a set of initials on the grid to see who it belongs to.

    Screenshot of 9 box grid page with the box grid highlighted

    Helpful Hint

    Employees and their potential and performance ratings are at the bottom of the page.

    Screenshot of the 9 box grid page with the employee list highlighted

Further information

How do I read the 9-Box Talent Grid report?
  • High Performers, High Potential (Top Right): These employees are considered top talent and are often earmarked for leadership roles or special development programmes.
  • High Performers, Medium Potential (Centre Right): These employees excel in their current roles but may need further assessment to determine their future potential.
  • High Performers, Low Potential (Bottom Right): These employees deliver excellent results but may not have aspirations for advancement or may be better suited in their current roles long-term.
  • Solid Performers, High Potential (Top Centre): These employees are reliable performers with the potential for growth and development into leadership roles.
  • Solid Performers, Medium Potential (Centre): These employees are reliable performers who may benefit from targeted development to advance their careers.
  • Solid Performers, Low Potential (Bottom Centre): These employees consistently meet expectations but may not have significant potential for advancement.
  • Low Performers, High Potential (Top Left): These employees have the potential to improve significantly and may require support and development opportunities.
  • Low Performers, Medium Potential (Centre Left): These employees may be struggling in their current roles but have the potential for improvement with the right support and development.
  • Low Performers, Low Potential (Bottom Left): These employees may need performance improvement plans or other interventions.
Screenshot of 9 box grid page with the box grid highlighted
How do I use the 9-Box Talent Grid report for Talent Management
  • Identify high-potential employees for leadership development programmes.
  • Tailor development plans for employees based on their placement in the grid.
  • Identify areas of strength and development needs within the organisation.

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