James Nixon
Employment Hero's resident technical writer who is experienced in creating and maintaining a SAAS HelpCentre through Zendesk Guide
Using blocks in the advanced template editor | HR Web Platform
Available for the following HR plans: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Admin Blocks are a useful feature as they allow you to group your text together and choose, sa...
Import my employee files using an Excel (XLSX) file on the Payroll platform
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, PremiumAvailable for the following user access level: Admin You can use the Payroll platform's Employee Importing feature to import in bulk your...
Create and view a one-on-one (1:1) report
Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment UnlimitedAvailable for the following HR plans: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access level: Admin 1:1 meetings are ...
Configure my organisation's expense workflows
Available for the following HR plan: PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Admin An expense workflow allows an organisation to set up a process for recording and managing expenses...
Manage my pay categories as a manager on Payroll classic
Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment UnlimitedAvailable for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium Your organisation may have many different employee payment rates...
Manage your organisation's onboarding file approvals
Available for the following HR plans: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Admin Managing your organisation's onboarding files streamlines your hiring process by all...
Manage my organisation's new employee requests
Available for the following HR classic plan: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access level: Admin The New Employee Requests Management feature allows you to submit a new employ...
Assign employee benefits to an employee
Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment UnlimitedAvailable for the following HR classic plans: Premium, PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Admin The Em...
Run and download roster shift swap report on the Payroll platform
Available for the following Payroll plan: Premium The Shift Swapping Reporting feature allows you to view employee shift swap requests within your organisation and see the status of each submission...
Sync leave requests with my calendar
Available for the following HR plan: PlatinumAvailable for the following user access levels: Employee , Manager , Admin Syncing leave requests with your external calendar (such as Google ...