Understanding the search sorting filters

The Sort By filter lets you choose how your search results are organised. The default filter is Top Enrolled, which displays courses with the highest number of enrolments. After performing a search, the filter will automatically change to Most Relevant, where Go1’s algorithm highlights the courses most relevant to your search.

Available list of Sort By filters 

Most Relevant.

Based on the learning platform search algorithm, which looks at keyword-matching, content quality, Premium content, and English content. It is designed to surface the most relevant results in response to the search query.

Top Enrolled.

Content with the highest number of enrolments.

Highest Rated.

Highest Rated content based on the average 5-star rating. If there are multiple results with the same rating, it will automatically sort by the highest number of ratings to the lowest.


Creation Date from newest to oldest, which is when the piece of content was authored.


Order results by: symbol, number, and then A-Z


Do we have an option to sort by the date the content was last edited?

Not at the moment; we are working on an uplift in the metadata that will allow us to do so in the future.

Do we have an option to choose a date range for content created?

Not at the moment; we are working on an uplift in the metadata that will allow us to do so in the future.

What happened to the ‘Popular’ sort-by filter?

It has been re-named to ‘Top Enrolled’ to improve ‌user clarity.

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