The Sort By filter lets you choose how your search results are organised. The default filter is Top Enrolled, which displays courses with the highest number of enrolments. After performing a search, the filter will automatically change to Most Relevant, where Go1’s algorithm highlights the courses most relevant to your search.
Available list of Sort By filters
Most Relevant. |
Based on the learning platform search algorithm, which looks at keyword-matching, content quality, Premium content, and English content. It is designed to surface the most relevant results in response to the search query. |
Top Enrolled. |
Content with the highest number of enrolments. |
Highest Rated. |
Highest Rated content based on the average 5-star rating. If there are multiple results with the same rating, it will automatically sort by the highest number of ratings to the lowest. |
Latest. |
Creation Date from newest to oldest, which is when the piece of content was authored. |
Alphabetical. |
Order results by: symbol, number, and then A-Z |
Do we have an option to sort by the date the content was last edited?
Not at the moment; we are working on an uplift in the metadata that will allow us to do so in the future.
Do we have an option to choose a date range for content created?
Not at the moment; we are working on an uplift in the metadata that will allow us to do so in the future.
What happened to the ‘Popular’ sort-by filter?
It has been re-named to ‘Top Enrolled’ to improve user clarity.
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