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My safety incidents | HR Web Platform

Available for the following HR plan Premium, Platinum

Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin

As a manager, it is important to have one central place where you can manage the safety reports your employees have submitted. These safety reports inform you of any serious workplace health and safety incidents that have occurred and provide you with insight into the effectiveness of your organisation's safety procedures.

The My Incident feature allows you to view the incident details, such as where it occurred, if it were personnel or a third party involved in this incident, and if anyone applied first aid. This feature also allows you to edit, review, delete, and print safety incident reports. You can generate these reports yourself, or the employees you manage can create these reports on your behalf.


Only Admins, Owners and/or employees listed as the Worksafe authority can manage the My Incidents module in full. Employees who meet any of the following criteria can view and delete reports within the My Incidents module:

  • Is the affected employee.
  • Is the manager (primary/secondary/indirect) of the affected employee.
  • Is the reporter (can only delete).

Managers who meet the following criteria can view, edit, and delete.

  • Have the Safety Incident security permission to modify.

Employees who meet the following criteria can view, edit, and delete

  • Have the Safety Incident security permission for view, modify, and delete.

Helpful Hint

The Contact Number field will display the affected employee's mobile number if they have not supplied their home phone number.

Daily activities

Close an incident report
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Close button.
  5. Click the Close button.
    Close 1.jpg
Print an incident report

Helpful Hint

The print option is only available once you have reviewed the incident report.

  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Print button.
Review an incident report
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Review button.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Is this a serious incident that needs to be reported to the relevant authorities?
    • Short-term recurrence prevention.
    • Long-term recurrence prevention.

    Helpful Hint

    The HR platform will fill the notifier details in, using the data submitted from the incident report.

  6. Click the Submit button.
View an incident report
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   View button.

Data management

Edit an incident report
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Edit button.
  5. Make the required changes and click the Submit button.
Update an incident review

Helpful Hint

This option is only available after you have initially reviewed the incident.

  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Update Review button.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Is this a serious incident that needs to be reported to the relevant authorities?
    • Short-term recurrence prevention.
    • Long-term recurrence prevention.

    Helpful Hint

    The HR platform will fill the notifier details in, using the data submitted from the incident report.

  6. Click the Submit button.

Data management

Download an incident report
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Download CSV button.

Removing data

Delete an incident report
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the My Incidents submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Delete button.
  5. Click the Delete button to confirm deletion. Screenshot of a popup asking do you want to delete this item to confirm deletion of your selected safety incident
Order of what happens when an incident report is submitted
  1. Kaimahi submits an incident. Once submitted, they can edit or delete it until it is closed by an admin/Safety admin.

  2. An admin/safety officer reviews the report and marks it as reviewed with any notes.

  3. At this point, they may like to close the report so that it cannot have any further changes made to it/be deleted. They will be shown a warning that once closed, it cannot be modified.

  4. The employee can tick the "Show closed reports" to view closed reports that they cannot edit or delete.

Further information

Order of what happens when an incident report is submitted
  1. Kaimahi submits an incident. Once submitted, they can edit or delete it until it is closed by an admin/Safety admin.

  2. An admin/safety officer reviews the report and marks it as reviewed with any notes.

  3. At this point, they may like to close the report so that it cannot have any further changes made to it/be deleted. They will be shown a warning that once closed, it cannot be modified.

  4. The employee can tick the "Show closed reports" to view closed reports that they cannot edit or delete.

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