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What emails does Employment Hero send out to users?

Want to know which emails you will receive from Employment Hero? We provide a detailed list of all automatic notifications, explaining what triggers them and who receives them. If you have not added a company email to your HR file, these notifications will be sent to your account email, typically your personal email address. For instructions on how to modify your email preferences with Employment Hero, please see this article. Additionally, for a concise list of emails that a payroll admin will receive, and to manage your organisation's payroll admin list, refer to the following article.

Employee Requisitions
Email Subject Triggered By Sent To
Review employee requisition

Creating a new employee requisition that requires approval

Requisition’s pending approvers
A requisition has been cancelled


When an employee requisition that needs your approval is cancelled


Requisition’s pending approvers
Your requisition has been approved

When your employee requisition has been approved by approvers

Employee requisition requester
Your requisition has been declined


When your employee requisition has been declined by approvers


Employee requisition requester
Your requisition has been cancelled

When your employee requisition has been cancelled

Employee requisition requester
360 Reviews
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
360 Review {360 Review Title}: you’re invited to complete your Self Review Assigning an employee as the subject of a 360 Review Company email of the subjects in a 360 review
360 Review {360 Review Title}: you’re invited to complete a Peer Review Assigning an employee as a reviewer of a 360 Review Company email of the reviewers of a subject in a 360 review
Reminder: complete your Self Review for the 360 Review {360 Review Title} Sending a reminder for an incomplete self-review Company email of the subjects in a 360 review
Reminder: complete a Peer Review for the 360 Review {360 Review Title} Sending a reminder for an incomplete peer review Company email of the reviewers of a subject in a 360 review
The 360 Review {360 Review Title} has been updated. Sending a reminder for a review that has been updated Company email of the reviewers and subjects in a 360 review
Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.

Activate your job seeker profile.

Candidate has not verified their email and applies to an advert posted via the ATS.

Candidate email.

Activate your job seeker profile.

Candidate signs up for a Job Seeker Account on EH Job Board. Candidate email.

You applied for {Job Title} at {Company}.

Candidate has an account/already verified their email and applies for a role directly on EH job portal.

Candidate email.

You have a new application for {Job Title}.

Candidate has an account/already verified their email and applies for a role directly on EH job portal.

Recruiter company email).

You applied for {Job Title} at {Company}.

Candidate has an account/already verified their email and applies for a role indirectly on SEEK/Idibu.

Candidate email.

You have a new application for {Job Title}.

Candidate has an account/already verified their email and applies for a role indirectly on SEEK/Idibu.

Recruiter company email.

Application withdrawn for {Job title}.

Candidate withdraws an application on the Job Seeker Portal. Candidate email.

Candidate withdrew application for {Job title}.

Candidate withdraws an application for a role Recruiter company email.

{Job title} could not be posted to {Job Board}.

A job post has failed. Recruiter company email.

You have been added as a hiring manager for {Job title}

Adding a new hiring manager. New hiring manager email.
{candidate_fullname} has moved to {new_stage} stage.


A recruiter/hiring manager manually moved a candidate to another stage.

Recruiter, hiring manager, and collaborator company email.

A new candidate has applied for {role}.

Candidate has an account and has already verified their email, and then applies for a role directly.

Recruiter, hiring manager, and collaborator company email.

Candidate has withdrawn: {role}.

Candidate withdraws an application for a role.

Recruiter and hiring manager company email.

{Recruiter name} has invited you to collaborate in the hiring of the {job_rolename} role.

When you add a collaborator to a job role.


Job post expiring soon:{role_name}

When a job advert expires in five days.

Recruiter company email.
Failed job post on {jobboard_name}

When a job fails to post.

Recruiter company email.
{name} Mentioned you in {name's} application

Recruiters, hiring managers, and collaborators can mention other team members involved with the role

Mentioned users will receive a notification: Recruiters, hiring managers, and collaborators will receive one to their company email.

New reply from {candidate name}

When a candidate responds to the email.

Recruiter and hiring manager company email.

You have a new appointment request from {candidate name}

When an applicant books a time to speak.

Recruiter, hiring manager, and collaborator company email.

Pending candidate application

Reminder that someone has applied a few days ago and you have not contacted them yet.

Recruiter and hiring manager company email.

Asset Register
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You have been assigned an asset. When an employer assigns an asset to employee/contractor and has chosen to send email. Employee/Contractor's company email.
Asset Register
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You have been assigned an asset. When an employer assigns an asset to employee/contractor and has chosen to send email. Employee/Contractor's company email.
Banking Details
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.

Bank details updated.

An employee, admin and/or owner creating, updating, and/or deleting the bank account information stored within the personnel file.

Payroll Admin.

Bank details completed.

Completing the onboarding workflow, specifically the Employee's Personal Details step. Payroll Admin.

There are more than 3 bank accounts.

A user having more than three bank accounts within their personnel file. Payroll Admin.
Benefits (Allowances)
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Payroll benefit was created. Creating a benefit. Payroll admin.
Payroll benefit was assigned to an employee. Assigning a benefit to an employee. Payroll admin.
Payroll benefit was updated for employee. Updating an existing employee benefit. Payroll admin.
Payroll benefit was deleted for an employee. Deleting an existing employee benefit. Payroll admin.
Employee benefit has been assigned to you. Assigning a benefit to an employee. Employee company email or employee account email if there is no company email.
Your employee benefit has been updated. Updating an existing employee benefit. Employee company email or employee account email if there is no company email.
You company benefits name has been changed. Updating a company benefit. Employee company email or employee account email if there is no company email.
Payroll benefit has changed. Updating a company benefit. Payroll admin.
Your benefit is due to expire. An employee benefit has reached its due date. Employee company email or employee account email if there is no company email.
An employee's benefit is due to expire. An employee benefit has reached its due date. Manager company email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Employment Hero subscription {date}. End of billing month. Assigned invoice recipients.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You are required to obtain a certification. Assigning an employee a certification. Employee company email.
You are required to review an employee's certification. Assigning an employee a certification that requires their manager's approval. Manager company email.
Your certification has been approved/declined. Approving or declining a certification assigned to an employee. Employee company email.
Your certification is no longer required. A certification assigned to an employee is no longer required. Employee company email.
Your certification will expire soon. A certification assigned to an employee expires in a week. Company email of specified receivers.
Your certification has now expired. The certification has expired. Company email of specified receivers.
Company Feed
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
New post from {organisation name}. Posting of an announcement or shout out to the company feed and the employee has never logged into the HR mobile app before. Employee company email.
Email Screenshot. Triggered By. Delivery Sent To.

スクリーンショット 2023-11-06 午後4.00.01.png

Recommender has had a new compensation cycle start and they ‌need to give their recommendations. Email and a bell notification in platform. Recommender email.

スクリーンショット 2023-11-06 午後4.07.59.png

Recommender having their compensation recommendation declined. Email and a bell notification in platform. Recommender email.

スクリーンショット 2023-11-06 午後4.12.01.png

Having outstanding recommendations to approve and/or decline. Email and a bell notification in platform. Effected admin and manager company email
CSV file import
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Import Employee CSV file finished. When the CSV file uploaded by the user finishes processing. Company email of the user who uploaded the file.
Custom surveys
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
{Company} has issued a new survey. When an admin publishes or reopens a survey. Employee company email.
Employee reminders
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new document has been added to your account A user manually clicking the Remind button in a compliance report Employee company email
Employee birthday reminder Upcoming employee birthday Company email of specified receivers
Employee probation period reminder Employee probation period is ending. Company email of specified receivers
Employee work anniversary reminder Upcoming employee work anniversary Company email of specified receivers
Reminder to acknowledge your employment documents Employees have not acknowledged all necessary documents. This automatically triggers every 7 days that the employee has not acknowledged these documents.* Employee company email

*Policies, Induction Content, HR Documents and Certifications

Exit interviews
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Exit interview survey request. Publish an exit interview. Employee company email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
An expense claim has been submitted to you for review. When an employee submits an expense claim. Primary and secondary manager work email.
Your expense claim has been approved. Manager/Admin/Owner approving an expense claim. Employee work email.
Your expense claim has been declined. Manager/Admin/Owner declining an expense claim. Employee work email.
You have received a comment on your expense claim. Manager/Admin/Owner commenting on an expense claim. Employee work email.
Your expense claim has been paid. Manager/Admin/Owner marking a claim as paid. Employee work email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You have received some feedback. To the employee that received the feedback Employee's company email.
A reporting employee has received some feedback. To the manager of the employee that received the feedback Managers company email.
New feedback comment from {first name} {last name}. Adding a new comment to an existing piece of feedback. Employee and manager company email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
[Company] has invited you to complete a form. When a form is Active, and the start date equals current date Employee company email.
A response has been submitted for your form. Notification setting in form: when each recipient responds, this email will be sent as each submission is completed. Admin email.
All responses have been submitted for your form. Notification setting in form: when all recipients have responded, this email will sent when the form status is updated to Completed. Admin email.


Please note that these emails do not notify the actor (which is the active employee making the changes) if they do not fall into the relevant notification roles.

Email Subject. Triggered By. Role Notified. Sent To.
You have been assigned a new goal.  Assigning an employee  as an owner of a goal(objective). Objective Owner. Employee company email.
You have been assigned a new shared goal. Assigning an employee as an owner and/or collaborator with a key result. Key result owner/s and key result collaborators.  Employee company email.
Your goal has been updated. Edit a goal or key result. Key result owner/s and collaborators. Employee company emai.l
Your goal has been deleted. Deleting a goal.  Objective owner, key result owner, and collaborators.  Employee company email.
Your key result has been deleted. Deleting a key result.  Objective owner, key result owner, and collaborators. Employee company email. 
{Actor} has checked in on one of your goals. When a goal or key result has a status update. Objective owner, key result owner, and collaborators. Employee company email.  
{Actor} has commented on your goal. When an employee leaves a comment on a goal. Objective owner  Employee company email.   
{Actor} has mentioned you in a goal.  When an employee mentions a name in a status update or comment.  Mentioned user.  Employee company email.
Happiness survey
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Happiness survey - {Company} needs your feedback. The employee happiness survey Employee's company email
Happiness survey - Action required on your happiness survey for {Company}. When there is 1 day left before the happiness survey ends and the employee has not yet responded. Employee's company email.
An employer has commented on Happiness Survey thread. When an employer comments on an employee's anonymous Happiness Survey feedback. Employee's account email.
An anonymous employee has commented on Happiness Survey thread. When an employee comments on their Happiness Survey feedback loop. Admin and owner's account email.
HR Documents
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new document has been added to your account. A document assigned to an employee. Employee company email.
Your signature is required for {document}. A document assigned to an employee that requires the employee's signature. Employee company email.
Your signature is required for {document}. A document requires a signatory's signature. Signatory company email.
You {document} has been finalised with {company}. A document signed by all parties. Recipient / sender company email.
Acknowledgement confirmation for {document} A document signed by an employee. Employee's account email.
Acknowledgement confirmation for {document} A document signed by an employee. Employee's manager.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new incident has been reported at {company}. An employee reported an incident.

Affected employee's manager.

New incident report. An employee reported an incident. Worksafe authority.
New worksafe authority. Creation of a worksafe authority. Worksafe authority.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You have been assigned to {course_name}. Sync data from third party Employee company email or member email.
You have been enrolled into {course_name}. Sync data from third party Employee company email or member email.
Here is your Monthly Course Summary for {Month} You have been assigned learning during that month or learning previously assigned is in progress. Email connected to the users Go1 account.
Leave requests
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new leave request from {employee} is awaiting your review. An employee submits a new leave request.  Manager company email.
A new leave request has been submitted by your manager. A manager submits a leave request for an employee. Employee company email.
A leave request from {employee} has been updated An employee edits their leave request. Manager company email.
Your leave request has been approved/declined. A manager updates an employee's leave request. Employee company email.
{Employee} has deleted a leave request. The deletion of an approved leave request. Payroll admin.
{Admin} has updated a leave request. The denial of an approved leave request. Payroll admin.
{Employee} has submitted a negative leave request. An employee submits a negative leave request. Payroll admin.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Welcome to Employment Hero. Setting up an Employment Hero account. Requester account email.
Reset password instructions. Request to reset password. Requester account email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new employee has been assigned to {company}. Adding an employee to the company. Payroll admin.
{Employer} has invited you to join Employment Hero. An admin/owner on-boards a new employee. Employee account email.
Don't delay your pay and complete your onboarding process An employee has not completed onboarding. Employee account email.
{Employee} has completed their onboarding setup. Employee has completed their on-boarding. Manager Company email
Payroll admin

Helpful Hint

The on-boarder is the individual that started the on-boarding process. This individual could be a user with the role of an admin or owner, or it could also be an employee who has the on-boarding security group assigned to them.

Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
An employee of {company} has been off-boarded. An employee has been off-board from the company. Payroll admin.
Reminder to create a backfill role for an offboarding employe Two weeks before the termination day, if the termination day is more than two weeks away. Or if the termination day is in less than two weeks, 12 hours after logging the termination. Hiring Manger/Recruiter who started the offboarding.
One on one's (1:1)
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
{first name} {last name} has invited you to a 1:1. When you first invite someone to a 1:1. Company email.
You have an upcoming 1:1 session with {first name} {last name}. When creating a new recurring 1:1 session. Company email.
Your upcoming 1:1 session with {first name} {last name} is tomorrow. Reminder one day before the day of the 1:1 session Company email.
Your upcoming 1:1 session with {first name} {last name} has been completed. Completion of a 1:1 session. Invitee company email.
Pay Details
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
An employee's pay details have been updated. Updating an employee's pay. Payroll admin.
Pay slips
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
Your pay slip for pay period ending {date} is now available. A new pay slip is available. Employee's account email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new document has been added to your account. A policy assigned to an employee. Employee company email.
Acknowledgement confirmation for {policy name}. When the employee acknowledges a policy. Employee's account email.
Re-activating an employee
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A member of {employee's employing entity} has been re-activated. When you re-activate an employee. Payroll admin.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You have been added to review {review name}. A reviewer adds an employee to a review period. The company email of the person being reviewed.
You have {days} days left to complete the review {review name}. The platform sends a reminder out to the employee and manager to complete the review. The company email of the person being reviewed.
A reporting employee has been removed from the review {review name}. Removing a direct report of a manager from a review. Manager company email.
You have been removed from the review {review name}. Removing an employee from a review. Employee company email.
The performance review {review name} has been updated. A reviewer updates a review period.  Employee company email and manager company email.
Reward and recognition
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
 A new recognition is pending your review. When submitting a recognition for review.  Approver company email. 
Your Recognition for {nominee} has been updated. Sent to employees upon approving or declining recognition. Employee company email. 
You have been recognised. Upon approval of the recognition.   Employee company email. 
Salary History
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
{Employee} has updated their job details. Updating an employee’s employment history. Payroll admin.
Scheduled tasks
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
You have been assigned a new scheduled task. Assigning a task via the Assigned Date field. Assignee company email.
A scheduled task has been updated Updating a task. Assignee company email.
A scheduled task has been completed. Completing a task. Company email of the individual that assigned the task.
A scheduled task has been declined. Declining a task. Company email of the individual that assigned the task.
A scheduled task has been deleted. Deleting a task. Assignee company email.
Your scheduled task is due soon. A task reached its due date. Assignee company email.
Your scheduled task is overdue. A task is overdue. Assignee company email.
Email Subject. Triggered By. Sent To.
A new timesheet from {employee} is awaiting your review. An employee submits a new timesheet. Manager company email.
A timesheet entry from {employee} has been updated and is awaiting your review. An employee edits a timesheet. Manager company email.
Your timesheet entry has been approved/declined. A manager updates an employee timesheet. Employee company email.
An approved timesheet has been deleted. The deletion of an approved timesheet. Payroll admin.
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