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Add additional information to the employee file

Available for the following HR plans: Platinum

As an organisation, you many need to collect and store employee data tailored to your business's specific needs. These could be questions such as what dietary requirements they have for catering events, what software they are most familiar with, right through to what parking spot they use daily.

The Additional Information feature is where an employee, manager or admin can view their organisation's custom fields and enter the required information. Depending on your organisation's Custom Fields settings, you may only have view access to these fields or you may see nothing as your business admin marked the fields as hidden.

To use this feature, your organisation's admin will first need to set up custom fields. To read further information on how to create a custom field, refer to the following article.

Getting started

Adding additional information
  1. Click the People menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs additional information added.
  4. Click the Employment Records button to display this module.
  5. Select the View more drop-down, then select Additional Information.
  6. Select Edit.
  7. Complete the required fields and click the Save button.
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