Viewing my organisations HR metrics from my dashboard via the HR platform

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin   

We now show the top five HR metrics for your organisation within a new HR Metrics widget on your organisation's dashboard. These are dynamic insights, which include calculations and filters. Allowing admins, for example, to see straight from their dashboard insights on the time to hire, or salaries data on the employees within their organisation.

Daily activities

View my organisation's HR metrics 
  1. Click the  Home menu.
  2. In the HR Metrics widget you will see the following reports:
    • Headcount.
    • Turnover.
    • Diversity.
    • Salary.
    • Time to hire.

    Helpful Hint

    You can filter the results shown as well to refine the data displayed.


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