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Set up, upload and edit employees' job description documents

You may want to add employees' job descriptions to Employment Hero. Doing so offers an efficient way for personnel to access and understand individuals' roles and responsibilities in your organisation.

This article covers how you can use the Template Editor feature to set up, upload and edit job descriptions for you and your staff.

Note: There are currently no pre-existing templates for job descriptions. However, this article covers how you can create your own templates instead.

Manage a job description using the Template Editor

Access and use the Template Editor
  1. Open your Employment HR Platform.
  2. Click Compliance.
  3. On the submenu that will now appear, click Notification Settings.

    screenshot of Home page, highlighting Compliance main menu button and Document Templates button

    The Document Management page will now appear.

    screenshot of Document Management page

  4. On the Document Management page, click Upload document.
    screenshot of Document Management page, highlighting Upload document button.jpeg

    A box called Create New Template will now appear.

    screenshot of Template Management page, highlighting Create New Template box
  5. On the Create New Template box, enter your chosen name of the template in the Template Name field.
  6. In the Signature logic field, click No signatures.

    You can also select the Sender only or Sender then recipient buttons, but we recommend you click No signatures. This is as job descriptions do not usually have signatures and you may not be able to select the ideal template type if you include them.

  7. Click the Template Type dropdown field, then select Factsheet (No signature) from the list that will appear.
  8. Address the Template editor field and, depending on your preference, click either Basic or Advanced (check out this video and this video to learn more about the Basic and Advanced Template Editors).

    If you click Basic, a tile entitled Click or Drag a file here to upload will then appear in the Create New Template box. This is as the Basic Template Editor requires a PDF to continue.

    Helpful Hint

    If you already have a job description in PDF you want to upload, click Basic for the Basic Template Editor to apply. Once the PDF has been uploaded, you will have some options to customise it.

    If you do not have a file already and/or are looking for more functionality and customisation options, however, we recommend you click Advanced.
  9. If you want country-specific personnel to view the template, click the Countries (Optional) dropdown field and select one or more countries from the list that will appear. Otherwise, if you want the template to apply to all countries, leave this field blank.
  10. Click Save.

    You will now be taken to the relevant Template Editor screen. If you opted for the Basic Template Editor, you will now see a page that looks like this:

    screenshot of the Edit Template box containing a document set up using the Basic Template Editor

    Otherwise, if you opted for the Advanced Template Editor, you will now see a page that looks like this:

    screenshot of an Advanced template editor page
  11. Edit your chosen template based on your needs and preferences.
  12. Click the save button (on the Basic Template Editor, this is a purple button that says Save; and on the Advanced Template Editor, this is the floppy disc icon near the top-left corner of the screen).

    Tip: If you have concerns about losing your progress during the template editing process, you can activate the Auto save toggle near the top-right corner of the screen.

You will now have saved your chosen job description document in your Employment Hero account.

This means you will now be able to provide it to the relevant employee(s) as you would any other saved HR documents. To learn how to do this, visit our article: Upload HR document.

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