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Run a workforce planning report

Available for the following plan: Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin   

You can use the Workforce Planning report to view, track, and report on the number of vacant positions you have within your business over time. The report will give you insight into your existing, budgeted, and requested headcount and headcount costs. This way, you have the important information you need for business reporting and planning cycles.

Getting started

View the workforce planning report
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Click the Workforce Planning box.
  4. Filter the report by location and primary manager.
  5. Below the graph, tick the Active, Pending, or Vacant checkboxes for the positions you want to see.
    screenshot of the workforce planning report, highlighting the filters
  6. Scroll down to see more details about your organisation's current active and vacant headcount.
    screenshot of the workforce planning report, showing the details of the headcount report

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