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Toggle employee file privacy mode on/off

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following plan: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager

Privacy Mode allows you to hide or view sensitive employee file information with the switch of a toggle. When enabled, Privacy Mode blurs and collapses sensitive data, adding an extra step of privacy when viewing details in the employee file. Disabling Privacy Mode expands all tiles and unblurs this information.

The following information is hidden/displayed based on your Privacy Mode settings:

  • Employee scorecard
  • Termination details
  • Salary details
  • Pay details
  • Salary history
  • Management notes
  • Disciplinary information

This article explains how to:

Getting started

Toggle Privacy Mode on/off
  1. Select the People menu.
  2. Select the Profile sub-menu item.
  3. Select the Privacy mode toggle based on your preferences.
  4. When switched on, tiles with the information outlined above will collapse or be blurred. You can unhide this information by expanding the section and selecting the eye icon to unblur the details.

Further information

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