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Add ad hoc leave balances on the employee file

Available for the following plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager, Admin

An ad hoc leave balance is a custom leave allocation that you can add to an employee's account outside of their regular leave entitlements. This feature is particularly useful for managing special leave situations, such as additional personal leave or leave in lieu, ensuring that your leave records accurately reflect all employee absences.

This article explains how to:

Getting started

Add ad hoc leave balance via the employee file
  1. Select the People menu item.
  2. Select Employees List.
  3. Select the employee you would like to add the ad hoc leave balance to.
  4. In the Employment Details tile, select the Leave Details tab.
  5. Next to the leave category you wish to amend, select Adjust Balance under the Action column.
  6. In the window that appears, enter the following:
    • New Balance
    • Reason for amendment
  7. Select Adjust.
  8. You will now see a record of any leave balance changes under Leave Balance History.

Helpful Hint

You can also view and adjust leave balances using the Leave Management feature. Click here for more information.

Add leave that expires after a certain date
In some cases, you might want to give employees leave that they have to take before a certain date, otherwise it will expire. For example, you might want to give an employee a day off for 'Birthday leave', which will expire 1 month after their birthday. To do this, you can increase their annual leave by 1 day and set an expiration date for this leave. 
  1. Select the People menu item.
  2. Select Employees List.
  3. Select the employee you would like to add the ad hoc leave balance to.
  4. In the Employment Details tile, select the Leave Details tab.
  5. Next to the leave category you wish to amend, select Adjust Balance under the Action column.
  6. Select the Increase checkbox.
  7. Fill in the following details:
    • How much would you like to increase?
    • When will this increase take effect?
    • Will this time off balance expire (select yes)
    • When will this expire (select the date it will expire)
  8. Click Adjust.

Further information

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