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Add, assign, and acknowledge induction content

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee  , Admin    

The Induction feature allows you to upload induction material as either a YouTube video, PDF, Doc, and/or Docx file and determine what employee will receive this content. The feature also allows you to edit the information if it changes, re-assign the material to another user group, and delete the data if it is no longer required.


If you ‌replace induction content with a newer version, then you will permanently lose any supporting documents and employee acknowledgements attached to the previous version. Also, you can only report on induction content marked as required via the Induction Content report. It is because we do not ask employees to acknowledge non-mandatory induction content.

Getting started

Add induction content
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Induction Content submenu.
  3. Click the   Add Content button.
    screenshot of the induction content screen, highlighting the add content button
  4. Complete the following fields:
    • Name.
    • Do you want to make this required content?
    • What format does this content come in:
      • File Upload.
      • Video link.


      You can upload three types of YouTube videos based on your video security settings. The three types are:

      • Public videos.
      • Private videos.
      • Unlisted videos.
  5. Click the Save button.
    screenshot of the add induction content popup, highlighting the save button
  6. You now have two actions you can undertake with sharing the content:
    • All employees receive the induction content:
      1. Set the Share to Everyone toggle switch to Yes.
      2. Click the Share button.
    • Select employees receive the induction content:
      1. Set the Share to Everyone toggle switch to No.
      2. Choose from the following sharing options:
        • Team.
        • Location.
        • Employing Entity.


        You can only select active employing entities, not disabled employing entities.

        • Individual.


        You can only select active employees, not terminated employees.

      3. Click the Share button.

Daily activities

Acknowledge induction content

Helpful Hint

If you edit or alter your Induction Content, we will ask any employees linked to this document, and assigned to this content to acknowledge it again.

  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Induction Content submenu.
  3. Click on the induction material that needs acknowledging.
    screenshot of the induction content screen, highlighting an induction content
  4. Read the content or watch the video and then click the Acknowledge button.
    screenshot of the induction content popup, highlighting the acknowledge button
Re-assign the induction content
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Induction Content submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Shared To button.
    screenshot of the induction content screen, highlighting the actions dropdown and shared to buttons for an induction content
  5. You now have two actions you can undertake with sharing the content:
    • All employees receive the induction content:
      1. Set the Share to Everyone toggle switch to Yes.
      2. Click the Share button.
    • Select employees receive the induction content:
      1. Set the Share to Everyone toggle switch to No.
      2. Choose from the following sharing options:
        • Team.
        • Location.
        • Employing Entity.


        You can only select active employing entities, not disabled employing entities.

        • Employee.


        You can only select active employees, not terminated employees.

      3. Click the Share button.

Editing data

Edit the induction content

Helpful Hint

If you edit or alter your Induction Content, we will ask any employees linked to this document, and assigned to this content to acknowledge it again.

  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Induction Content submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Edit button.
    screenshot of the induction content screen, highlighting the actions dropdown and edit buttons  for an induction content
  5. Make the required changes and then click the Save button.
    screenshot of the edit induction content popup, highlighting the save button

Deleting data

Delete the induction content
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Induction Content submenu.
  3. Click the Actions   button.
  4. Click the   Delete button.
    screenshot of the induction content screen, highlighting the actions dropdown and delete buttons for an induction content
  5. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the dleet confirmation popup, where you need click the delete button

Further information

Definitions: Symbols
Icon Name Description
  Red Bookmark. Indicates you need to complete this induction content.
  Purple Bookmark. Indicates that this induction content requires acknowledgment, but not by yourself; i.e., it is showing mandatory induction content that another user needs to complete.
  Black Text. It shows the content does not require acknowledgement by anyone.

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