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Manage performance reviews as a manager

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Manager    Admin   

The Direct Employees Performance Review Management feature allows you to check in on the performance review progress made by your direct employees and then submit feedback on these answers. You can also use this feature to download a CSV copy of the data and print an offline copy of this information if required.

Complete a management review

Complete a management review


You can only publish management reviews that are in the drafting stage.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct Employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the employee who needs a management review submitted.
  6. Complete the required fields.
  7. Click the Publish button.
    screenshot of the employee's review, highlighting the publish

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the Expand or Minimise buttons to close or open a review question. Each time you edit a review or update the star ratings, the platform will automatically save your progress. You can only publish a review once you answer all available questions. The platform shows a completed answer by highlighting it in green.

Add Next Steps to an employee's performance review

At the conclusion of a Performance Review, you may identify action items to support your employee's development before the next review. These "Next Steps" guide the employee’s progress in key areas and ensure continuous improvement.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Assigned to me tab.
  5. Click the employee who needs Next Steps added.
  6. Click Create and view next steps.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Choose between a task or a goal.
  9. Complete the fields.
  10. Click Save.
  11. The new task or goal will show in the Next Steps area, and an email about the next steps will also be sent to the employee.
View an employee's progress towards next steps

The Next Steps feature is only available to Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited and Classic Platform users.

At the conclusion of a Performance Review, you may identify action items to support your employee's development before the next review. These "Next Steps" guide the employee’s progress in key areas and ensure continuous improvement.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Assigned to me tab.
  5. Click the employee who needs Next Steps added.
  6. Click the Next Steps box.
  7. Click the Next Step you want to view.
  8. The employee's progress towards the task or goal will show.

Send performance review reminders

Send a reminder: Individually


You can only send a reminder to an employee who has not completed their review yet within the review period.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the Actions dropdown button.
  6. Click the Remind button.
    screenshot of the review page, highlighting the actions dropdown and remind button
  7. Click the Remind button.
    screenshot of the reminder confirmation pop up, highlighting the remind button
Send a reminder: In bulk


You can only send a bulk reminder when multiple employees have not completed their reviews yet.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the Remind All button.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the remind all button
  6. Click the Remind button.
    screenshot of the confirmation pop up, highlighting the remind button

Filter performance reviews

Filter performance reviews
  1. Click the  Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the Filter button.
    screenshot of the employee review page, highlighting the filter button
  4. Click the Date filter field.
  5. Set the desired date range.
    screenshot of the employee review page, highlighting the date range field
  6. Click the Filter button.
    screenshot of the employee review page, showing the date range field and highlighting the filter button

    Helpful Hint

    If you would like to view all your reviews, you can do so by clicking the Reset button and then the Filter button.

Manage performance reviews

Edit a management review


You can only edit reviews that are still in the drafting stage. Also, you might not be able to change your ratings and responses after the review period. This depends on whether the administrator has set a lockout date for the review.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the employee who needs a management review edited.
  6. Make the required changes and then click either the Publish or Save as Draft buttons.
    screenshot of the employee's review, highlighting the publish

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the Expand or Minimise buttons to close or open a review question. Each time you edit a review or update the star ratings, the platform will automatically save your progress.

Download a CSV of the review summary
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the Download CSV button.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the download CSV button
Print an individual review
    1. Click the   Performance menu.
    2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
    3. Click the desired review period.
    4. Click the Direct employees tab.
      screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
    5. Click the employee who needs a review printed.
    6. Click the Print button.
      screenshot of the employee's review page, highlighting the print button
Print the review summary
  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the Print button.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the print button
Unpublish a management review


You can only unpublish reviews that have already been published.

  1. Click the   Performance menu.
  2. Click the Performance Review Management submenu.
  3. Click the desired review period.
  4. Click the Direct employees tab.
    screenshot of the review screen, highlighting the direct employees tab
  5. Click the employee who needs a management review unpublished.
  6. Click the Unpublish button.
    screenshot of the employee's review, highlighting the unpublish button

Further information

Definitions: Clock messages
Created at Provides a timestamp of the leave request creation date.
Synced at Provides a timestamp of when the leave request tried to sync with Employment Hero Payroll.
Sync successful States whether the synchronisation of the leave request between Employment Hero and Employment Hero Payroll has been successful.
Edited at Provides a timestamp of the last edit done to the leave request after a previous Employment Hero Payroll synchronisation attempt.
Definitions: Symbols
Icon Name  Description
  Blue clock Used for pending or declined leave requests that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll.
  Green clock Used for approved leave requests that have synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll.
  Red clock Used for approved leave requests that have not synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll.
  Orange clock. Used for pending, approved, or declined leave requests that have had changes made to them after being synchronised with Employment Hero Payroll.

Further information

Who can complete a performance review?
Both primary and ‌secondary managers can complete a performance review. Users with admin permission settings can select if the primary manager, the secondary manager, or both, will complete the performance reviews within their organisation.
Who can see an employee's review comments?

A manager can only see the other manager's notes when the manager has published the review.

Admins can download the CSV file of the review in the Review Periods module. In the CSV the comments will be visible, even if they are yet to publish this data. But if you click the Print button to print the review period details, then the overall rating will not be shown unless the manager has published their answers.

Can I change who can see a performance review?

Yes. In Settings > Custom Security Settings > Other Permissions > Performance Review Settings/Performance Review Responses, you can give custom permissions to these users. To find out how to create a custom security group, click on this link.

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