Available for the following Payroll classic plan: Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Manager, Admin
The Rostering module within the Payroll classic platform has a Shift Management feature that allows you to create employee shifts and manage details such as start and end times, work types, and the relevant roles involved. You can also use this feature to publish the shifts you have created, allowing your employees to easily view them.
Helpful Hint
To quickly copy a shift, hold your Shift key, click an existing shift (either published or unpublished), then drag it to the desired day. The copied shift will be unpublished unless or until you decide to publish it.
Interactive learning
Getting Started
- Click the Rostering menu.
- Click on the shift panel that represents the day that needs a shift created.
- In the Create Shift panel, complete the following fields:
- From time
- To time
Helpful Hint
Click the Add Break button to add a break-in.
- Break start
- Break end
Helpful Hint
Click the Minus button to delete an added break.
- Location
- Qualifications
Helpful Hint
The Qualifications field will only appear if an admin has enabled qualifications.
- Employee
- Work type
Helpful Hint
The Work Type field will only appear if an admin has enabled work types.
- Role
Helpful Hint
The Role field will only appear if an admin has enabled shift roles.
- Note
- Click the Save button.
Helpful Hint
When you add multiple users in the employee’s field, this will automatically create the same shift for the selected employees.
Daily activities
- An email is sent to the employee letting them know that they have been assigned a new shift.
- The shift becomes visible in the employee roster.
- The shift is made read-only in the shift dialogue.
- Click the Roster menu.
- Click the Roster Actions button.
- Click the Print button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Date range
- Report format:
- Day
- Week
- Group by:
- Business
- Location
- Then:
- Sort by employee
- Sort by role
- Sort by start time
- Set the Hide Employee with No Shifts toggle switch to On or Off.
- Locations:
- Set the Include Sub-locations toggle switch to On or Off.
- Shift status:
- All
- Accepted
- Published
- Unpublished
- Employees:
- Set the All Roles switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Leave switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Unavailabilities toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Breaks toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Durations toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Higher Clarifications toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Notes toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Qualifications toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Roles toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Show Work Types toggle switch to On or Off.
- Set the Locations on Shifts toggle switch to On or Off.
- Click the Print Roster button.
Please note that this will be printed in PDF format only.When you publish a shift the following things happen:
- An email is sent to the employee letting them know that they have been assigned a new shift.
- The shift becomes visible in the employee roster.
- The shift is made read-only in the shift dialogue.
- Click the Roster menu.
- Click the Roster Actions button.
- Click the Employees button.
- Enter the name of the employee into the Search field.
- Click on the name of the employee whose roster details need to be viewed.
Helpful Hint
You can now use the following tabs to see the employees' roster details:
- Work summary
- Availability
- Details
Editing data
- Click the Roster menu button.
- Click the Roster Actions button.
- Click the Copy Shifts button.
- Complete the following fields:
- Who
- Select the period:
- This week
- This fortnight
- Specific date period
- Copy to:
- Next week
- Specific date
- For shifts that cannot be assigned to employees:
- Copy as unassigned shifts
- Do not copy
- Click the Copy Shifts button.
Helpful Hint
You will now see a status screen that shows which shifts were and were not successfully copied.
- Click the Close button.
Data management
You can only edit a shift that has the status of unpublished.
- Click the Roster menu.
- Click on the employee shift that needs to be edited.
- Make the required changes and click the Save button.
You can make the following changes:
Move shifts
You can quickly move shifts by clicking and dragging them to another shift tile. If you move the shift to another day, the date of the shift will be automatically updated. If you move the shift to another employee, the employee assigned to that shift will be updated automatically.
Adjust start and end times in day view
You can quickly adjust the start or end of a shift in day view by clicking and dragging the start or end of a shift. As soon as you drag the shift to it is new start or end time, the new start or end time for that shift will be automatically updated.
Helpful Hint
You can change a shift time or date by dragging the created shift to a new position on the roster overview screen. The ability to allocate shifts by clicking and dragging is only available for shifts in drafting stage.
- Click the Roster menu.
- Click the Roster Actions button.
- Click the Export button.
- Select the required date range. A dialogue box will come up and you can enter the date(s) for which you wish to export from the roster. The date selection will be defaulted to the roster period that will be showing in your current roster view. However, you can change this by clicking on the date field and selecting from:
This Week
Next Week
This Fortnight
Next Fortnight
Custom Range
- Click the Export Roster button.
Helpful Hint
The roster downlands as an Excel xlsx file.
Deleting data
Explore related content
- How do I view my roster warnings? This FAQ answers a common user question we receive about how to view any triggered roster warnings.
- How do I set up and manage rostering roles? This feature allows you to create a roster group, such as front-of-house serving staff, that you can then assign to your employees when entering their shift details.