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Update my organisation's pay categories

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

Within your organisation, there would have different employee payment rates, depending on the pay conditions assigned to your employees. Automating the calculations of these rates will reduce the management time spent on making sure the correct application of penalty rate multipliers, whether you have applied the correct loading rate, and so on.

This feature allows you to synchronise the pay categories created on your payroll classic platform and make them selectable within Employment Hero. Making sure Employment Hero has the latest payroll configuration data and your employee records have the correct information.

Getting started

  Select the payroll platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Payroll classic Xero
Update pay categories
  1. Click the   Settings menu.
  2. Click the Pay Categories submenu.
  3. Click the   Update From Payroll button.
    screenshot of pay category page. at the top of the page is the title pay categories. then the notice pay categories are now managed through your payroll system. below this is a blue update from payroll button and below this, a list of the pay categories: bonus, overtime hours, and regular hours.

    Helpful Hint

    The Pay Categories page will now show a grey   Updated button and this means Employment Hero has successfully imported your pay categories from your Payroll classic platform.

    screenshot of pay category page. at the top of the page is the title pay categories. then the notice pay categories are now managed through your payroll system. below this the update from payroll button has turned grey to show that a sync has taken place.

Further information

  Select which payroll platform you integrated with for the relevant instructions.

EH Payroll Xero
Ongoing synchronisation with the payroll classic platform

Once you have connected your payroll classic platform and Employment Hero, Employment Hero becomes the source of truth for your company settings, payroll settings, and employee file data. To read further details on how to update an employee's salary history, refer to the following article.

When you first connect the two platforms, Employment Hero will pull the data from the payroll platform into Employment Hero, such as your pay category data. Any additional changes to pay schedules after this initial integration, requires you to update your pay schedule data manually.

Once you have imported any recent changes from the Payroll classic platform, you can make amendments to an employee's file, such as their salary history. To read further details on how to manage pay categories on your Payroll classic platform, refer to the following article.

Why does the pay category show as disabled?

Employment Hero will show a pay category as disabled if the data no longer exists on your Payroll classic platform. You can not delete disabled pay categories if you have used them previously in Employment Hero. The reason for this is platform data accountability and to make sure that when you use the Audit Trail feature, we display the correct logs of what changes occurred within your platform.

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