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How do I manage leave balance visibility via the HR classic platform and Xero

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin  

How it works

Organisations may have requirements where employees should have visibility on certain leave categories, whereas other categories they may need this visibility disabled. If this is the case for your organisation, then Xero allows you to configure what balances an employee will see on both their pay slips and within Employment Hero's leave feature.

What you need to do

There are two steps that an administrator needs to complete when setting leave balance visibility in Employment Hero when connected to Xero. An administrator needs to complete these actions on both the Employment Hero and Xero platforms. The two steps are: 

Step 1: Set leave balance visibility


Employment Hero will import both your active and inactive leave categories from your Xero platform. However, Employment Hero will disable any inactive leave categories imported from your Xero platform and these will not be viewable by your employees.

To begin with, you will need to edit your leave categories and select what visibility your employees will have regarding the accrued leave balance. You will need to repeat the following steps for each leave category that needs its accrued leave visibility changed. The steps on how you can undertake this process are:

  1. Log in to your Xero platform.
  2. Click the Organisation Name   button.
  3. Click the Settings button.
  4. Click the Payroll Settings button.
  5. Click the Pay Items tab.
  6. Click the Time Off button.
  7. Click the   button.
  8. Click the Edit button.
  9. Choose from the following options:
    • Select the Show Balance on Payslip tick box to show the leave balance
    • Deselect the Show Balance on Payslip tick box to hide the leave balance
  10. Click the Save button.
Step 2: Assign the leave categories
  1. Log in to your Xero platform.
  2. Click the Payroll menu.
  3. Click the Employees submenu.
  4. Click on employee that needs a leave type assigned.
  5. Click the Leave tab.
  6. Click the Assign Leave Type button.
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • Leave.
    • Leave calculation method.
    • Hours accrued annually.
    • Opening balance.
    • On termination unused balance is:
      • Not paid out.
      • Paid out.
  8. Click the Save button.
Step 3: Import the leave categories

Since Employment Hero is the source of truth for information, such as company settings, payroll settings, and employee file data; it will require you to re-synchronise your platforms to import the updated leave category settings. The steps on how you can undertake this process are:

  1. Log in to your Employment Hero platform.
  2. Click the   Payroll Settings menu.
  3. Click the Leave Categories submenu.
  4. Click the   Update From Payroll button.

    Helpful Hint

    The Leave Categories page will now show a grey   Updated button and means Employment Hero has successfully imported your leave categories from your Xero platform.


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