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Set up HMRC settings for RTI and EPS submissions

Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin  

The payroll platform uses the information in the HMRC settings feature to submit Real Time Information (RTI) to the His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC), as well as manage the EPS submission process.. 

This feature is also where you can declare if you need to pay the apprenticeship levy and if you have reported this figure for this financial year.

Enter your HMRC details

Enter your HMRC settings
  1. Log in to your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the   HMRC Settings button.
  5. Complete the following fields in the Tax office details section:
    • Employee PAYE reference
    • Accounts office Reference
    • Corporation tax Unique Taxpayer Reference
  6. Complete the following fields in the Small employers section:
    • Are you eligible for small employers relief?
    • Will you be claiming the employment allowance?
  7. Complete the following fields in the Apprenticeship levy section:
    • Are you required to pay the apprenticeship levy?
      • Apprenticeship levy allowance
      • Have you reported apprentice levy amounts for this financial year using other software?
        Note: If you answer this question by clicking the circle box beside Yes, you will now need to type your answers to the following two fields that will appear:
        • Apprenticeship levy adjustment
        • Apprenticeship levy allowance used for this financial year
  8. Complete the following fields in the IR35 Contractors section:
    • Will the IR35 contractors' legislation apply to your business?
  9. Complete the following fields in the Additional Options section:
    • Will you be paying seconded employees?
    • Will you be paying employees from a registered pension scheme?
    • Do you want to set up a payment reminder?

      Note: If you answer this question by clicking the circle box beside Yes, you will now need to fill out the following fields in a form called Payment Reminder that will appear to the right of your screen:

      • Select the payment period
      • Send the reminder monthly on the (you finish this sentence by selecting the day of the month in the dropdown box)
      • Detailed monthly breakdown
      • Include pay-run pension amounts
      • Recipients

        Upon completion of the Payment Reminder form, click Save.

    • Are your business premises located in a freeport tax site?
  10. Complete the following fields in the RTI settings section:
    • Would you like to enable RTI for this business?
      • HMRC User ID
      • HMRC password
      • Would you like to make RTI submissions in test mode for this business?
      • Is this business a registered agent?

        Note: If you answer this question by clicking the circle box beside Yes, the form will now add a section called Registered Agent Details. Fill in its following fields:
        • Business name
        • First name
        • Last name
        • Postcode/Town
        • Address
  11. Complete the following fields in the EPS Submissions section:
    • Submit employer payment summary (EPS) monthly on the (finish the sentence by clicking the relevant entry from the dropdown)
    • Refund account name
    • Refund account number
    • Refund sort code
    • Building Society reference
  12. Click the Save button.

Watch the training video


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