Available for the following Payroll classic plan: Premium
Available for the following User Access levels: Admin
The Rostering Settings feature allows you to configure different parts of the rostering module so it meets the needs of your organisation and your employees. Customisations can include such decisions as granting managers permission to edit roster budgets and templates and determining whether employees can decline shifts assigned to them.
Getting started
- Log into your Employment Hero platform.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Rostering button.
- Select from the following manager permission options:
- Managers can edit roster templates
- Managers can edit roster budgets
- Select from the following budget options:
- Roster budget warning %
- Roster budget entry
- Select from the following employee permission options:
- Employees can decline shifts assigned to them
- Employees must accept shifts assigned to them
- Default shift action
- Shift action cut off
- Employee reminders
- Select from the following shift-swapping options:
- Employees can swap shifts assigned to them
- Shift swap cut off
- Swap approval
- Select from the following shift bidding options:
- Enable shift bidding
- Shift bidding action cut off
- Manager's reminders
- Click the Edit button.
- Write the required message and click the Apply button.
- Enter the required message in the Custom Message for Shift Notification SMS field.
- Click the Save button.
Further information
Managers can edit roster templates. | This setting allows restricted users with the Manage Employee Rosters' permission to create, edit, and/or apply a roster template. This option, when unselected, means only full-access users can create and apply roster templates. |
Managers can edit roster budgets. | This allows restricted users with the Manage Employee Rosters' permission to create and/or edit a roster budget. This option, when unselected, means only full-access users can set up a roster budget. |
Rostering budget warning percent (%). | The amount entered here will determine at what percentage the platform will highlight rostered costs as a warning within the roster. |
Rostering budget entry. | You can enter the budget amount as a percentage of sales or a fixed amount. You will still, however, enter the budget amount on a per day basis. |
Employees can decline shifts assigned to them. |
Selecting this option means that when publishing rostered shifts, employees can decline them. If they decline a shift, the platform will un-assign them, and it will become unassigned. |
Employees must accept shifts that are assigned to them. | Selecting this option means that when publishing rostered shifts, employees will have to accept the shift to confirm explicitly they intend to work that shift. |
Default shift action. | If you select both of the above settings, you will need to choose a default action for an un-actioned shift, i.e., either accepted or declined by the employee. |
Shift action cut off. | If you select either of the top two settings, you will need to determine what time, before the commencement of the shift, the employee must action the shift. |
Employee reminders. |
This setting will only appear if you select the Accept Shifts option. If you opt to send a reminder, the platform requires you to determine at what time before the shift cut off time; you want the reminder sent. |
Employees can swap shifts assigned to them. | Selecting this option means that when publishing rostered shifts, employees can swap that shift with another employee if they cannot work that day. The platform provides employees with a drop-down list of recommended employees who can swap a shift. |
Shift swap cut off. |
If you enable shift swapping, you will need to set an actionable timeframe for the swapped shift before the commencement of the shift. If the swapped employee does not action the shift before this timeframe, the platform cancels the shift swap and the shift will revert to the original employee. |
Swap approval. | If you enable shift swapping, you must decide the level of approval required for swapped shifts. |
Enable shift bidding. | Selecting this option will then allow users to assign a shift to a group of employees. Whereby, the platform assigns the first employee to accept the shift to that relevant shift within the roster. |
Shift bidding action cut off. |
If you enable shift bidding, you will need to configure a cutoff time whereby employees can no longer action a bidding shift after that time. If the employee attempts to accept a shift after the cutoff time via the shift notification email link, an error will appear on their screen. |
Manager's notification. | If you enable shift bidding, you will need to set a timeframe for when the platform notifies a manager that their employees did not action a bidding shift. |
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