Manage earnings lines within a pay run on Payroll classic

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Standard, Premium

The Pay Run Earnings Line feature allows you to add additional earnings lines for an employee during the pay run. You can specify details such as the pay category and rate. You can also use this feature to delete employee earning lines. A pay run needs creating first, before you add an employee earning line. To read further information on how to create a pay run, refer to the following article.

Getting started

The below premise will walk you through how to add an earnings line within a pay run.

Add an earnings line
  1. Log into your Employment Hero classic platform.
  2. Click the Pay Run menu.
  3. Click on required pay run.
  4. Click on the employee name that needs an earnings line added.
  5. Click the Actions   button.
  6. Click the Add Earnings button.

    Helpful Hint

    This will add a pre-filled earnings line with the employee's primary pay category.

  7. Complete the following fields:
    • Pay category.
    • Location.
    • Notes.
    • Units.
    • Rates.
  8. Click the   Save button.


The below premise will walk you through how to delete an earnings line within a pay run.

Delete an earnings line
  1. Log into your Employment Hero platform.
  2. Click the Pay Run menu.
  3. Click on required pay run.
  4. Click on the employee name that needs an earnings line removed.
  5. Click the   Delete button. 
  6. Click the Delete button.

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