Manage pay run tasks within a finalised pay run on Payroll classic

Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Standard, Premium

With your organisation, you would have a list of tasks that need completing, such as checking whether the platform correctly imported your employees timesheets or a reminder to check the correct application of an employee's leave adjustment. By having a task list where you can track these jobs will reduce the administrative time you spend on this area of pay run management.

The Pay Run Tasks feature within a finalised pay run allows you to view your current created task list and mark of each item either individually or in bulk as you complete the required work. You will need to create your task list first, via the pay run task feature before you can use this feature. To read further information on this process, you can refer to the following article

Getting started

The below premises go through how to mark a task as completed either individually or in bulk.

Mark a task as complete: Individually
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll classic platform.
  2. Click the  Pay Run menu.
  3. Click on a finalised pay run.
  4. Click the Tasks tab.
  5. Click the task that needs completing.
  6. Click the Complete button next to each applicable employee.
Mark a task as complete: In bulk
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll classic platform.
  2. Click the  Pay Run menu.
  3. Click on a finalised pay run.
  4. Click the Tasks tab.
  5. Click the task that needs completing.
  6. Click the Complete All button.


The below premise goes through how to view your pending task list.

View pending task list
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll classic platform.
  2. Click the  Pay Run menu.
  3. Click on a finalised pay run.
  4. Click the Tasks tab.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your pending task list on your screen.


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