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Report on your organisation's leave balances on the Payroll platform

Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Standard, Premium

Within your organisation, you will have employees submitting leave requests regularly for events such as going to a Dr's appointment or for a trip overseas. These leave requests allow you to manage team resources, by enabling you to see what roles will need covering, who is available to step in, and how long these plans will need to be in place.

The Leave Balance Reporting feature allows you to create a report that you can use to analyse each employee's current and historical leave balances and see details such as the leave type, location and leave balance total. You can also use this feature to download an excel file of this data or save the information in a printable PDF format.


If you are a HR+PY connected client, from October 2023, you will be notified about our new integrated feature where HR will be your source of truth for all Leave settings. If you have been migrated to the new platform, then the article you need for leave balance reports is: How do I manage leave?

Getting started

Run a leave balances report
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Leave Balances button.
  3. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date/Pay run.

      Helpful Hint

      Please refer to the Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters item in Further information to learn about the two filters.

    • Group by.
    • Employee default location.
    • Leave type.
  4. Click the Run Report button.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your leave balance report on your screen.


Data management

Download the report: Excel
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Leave Balance button.
  3. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date/Pay run.

      Helpful Hint

      Please refer to the Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters item in Further information to learn about the two filters.

    • Group by.
    • Employee default location.
    • Leave type.
  4. Click the Run Report button.
  5. Click the Actions button.
  6. Click the Excel button.
Download the report: CSV
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Leave Balance button.
  3. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date/Pay run.

      Helpful Hint

      Please refer to the Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters item in Further information to learn about the two filters.

    • Group by.
    • Employee default location.
    • Leave type.
  4. Click the Run Report button.
  5. Click the Actions button.
  6. Click the CSV button.
Download the report: PDF
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Leave Balance button.
  3. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date/Pay run.

      Helpful Hint

      Please refer to the Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters item in Further information to learn about the two filters.

    • Group by.
    • Employee default location.
    • Leave type.
  4. Click the Run Report button.
  5. Click the Actions button.
  6. Click the PDF button.

Further information

Switching between the "As at date" and "Pay run" filters

When it comes to the Leave Balances report, it is always best to toggle the button above and switch to "Pay Run" instead of "As at date". This is because the pay run data is the most accurate.

The "As at date" function is used to predict leave for the future based on the employee's pay rate and standard hours in their default settings as they are at the date chosen. For example, if you want to run a report based on a date in the future, it would calculate their current balance (most recent pay run) and the estimated leave and value calculated at that time.

The reason why you are seeing different values is that it is picking up the new pay rates and applying them to the calculations.

Explore related content

  • Leave liabilities report  This feature allows you to create a report covering your employees current and historical approved leave requests, with the ability to see details such as the leave value, total hours, and loading value.
  • Leave management This  feature allows your managers or admins to approve or decline employee submitted leave requests, with the ability to see the employees leave balance and any conflicting leave requests via the calendar display.
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