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Fix payroll integration issues on the dashboard

Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Essentials, Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin  

When syncing data changes from Employment Hero HR to your chosen payroll platform, you may face integration problems, resulting in data errors.

Accordingly, the Payroll Integration Issues Dashboard feature is there to provide a central hub to investigate and resolve such data integration pitfalls. These are broken down into three areas: employee file, leave requests, and timesheets. The feature also gives you the tools to re-sync a data source once you have resolved previous errors.

Getting started

  Select the tab below that names the payroll platform you integrated your Employment Hero platform with.

EH Payroll Xero


Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Essentials, Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin  
Re-sync data: Individually
  1. Log in to Employment Hero.
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Integration Issues submenu.
  4. Click either the Employee Files, Leave Requests, or Timesheets tab.
  5. Click the Actions   button.
  6. Click the   Re-Sync button.
    screenshot of payroll integration issues dashboard. divided into three tabs it shows issues sorted by employee files, leave requests and timesheets. here in the employee files tab there is the option to view details or resync for each entry
  7. Click the OK button.
    screenshot of payroll integration issues dashboard. divided into three tabs it shows issues sorted by employee files, leave requests and timesheets. this shows a table of instances of timesheet issues. the actions option is highlighted, triggering the options to edit, resync or hide from dashboard
Re-sync data: In bulk
  1. Log in to Employment Hero.
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Integration Issues submenu.
  4. Click either the Employee Files, Leave Requests or Timesheets tab.
  5. Select the errors that need to be re-synced.
  6. Click the Re-Sync button.
    screenshot of popup for confirmation to hide issue from dashboard. It reads Are you sure you would like to hide the timesheet? ok, or cancel
  7. Click the OK button.
    screenshot of payroll integration issues dashboard. divided into three tabs it shows issues sorted by employee files, leave requests and timesheets. here in the timesheets tab there are two buttons at the top giving the options to resync or hide from dashboard the entries that have been selected


  Select the tab below that names the payroll platform you integrated your Employment Hero platform with.

EH Payroll Xero


Available for the following plans: Employment Lite, Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Standard, Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Payroll classic plans: Essentials, Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin  
View sync error details
  1. Log in to Employment Hero.
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Integration Issues submenu.
  4. Click either the Employee Files, Leave Requests, or Timesheets tab.
  5. Click the Actions   button.
  6. Click the   View Details button.
    screenshot of payroll integration issues dashboard. divided into three tabs it shows issues sorted by employee files, leave requests and timesheets. If you click on any entry, there is the option to view details or resync.
Hide dashboard data: Individually
  1. Log in to Employment Hero.
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Integration Issues submenu.
  4. Click either the Leave Requests or Timesheets tab.
  5. Click the Actions   button.
  6. Click the   Hide from Dashboard button.
    screenshot of payroll integration issues dashboard. divided into three tabs it shows issues sorted by employee files, leave requests and timesheets. this shows a table of instances of timesheet issues. the actions option is highlighted, triggering the options to edit, resync or hide from dashboard
  7. Click the OK button.
    screenshot of popup for confirmation to hide issue from dashboard. It reads Are you sure you would like to hide the timesheet? ok, or cancel
Hide dashboard data: In bulk
  1. Log in to Employment Hero.
  2. Click the   Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Integration Issues submenu.
  4. Click either the Leave Requests or Timesheets tab.
  5. Select the errors that need to be hidden.
  6. Click the Hide from Dashboard button.
    screenshot of payroll integration issues dashboard. divided into three tabs it shows issues sorted by employee files, leave requests and timesheets. here in the timesheets tab there are two buttons at the top giving the options to resync or hide from dashboard the entries that have been selected
  7. Click the OK button.
    screenshot of popup asking are you sure you want to hide 3 timesheets ok or cancel.

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