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Submitting a Full Payment Submission (FPS) to the HMRC via payroll classic

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following Payroll classic plan: Standard, Premium


How do I export a finalised pay run?


When processing a pay run, you need to submit a Full Payment Submission (FPS) to His Majesty's Revenue Collection (HMRC). The reason for this, it to inform them about the payments you made to your employees and what deductions you added to their pay. You can use the Submit Pay Run to HRMC feature within a finalised pay run, to send this data through to the HMRC.

Before you submit your first Full Payment Submission (FPS), you need to make sure you have correctly configured your RTI username and password under the HMRC settings page. Please refer to the following article for more information. 

Submit FPS to the HRMC
  1. Log into your Employment Hero platform.
  2. Click the   Pay Run menu.
  3. Click on a finalised pay run that needs sending to the HMRC.
  4. Click the   Submit Pay Run to HMRC button.
Submit to HMRC for Christmas pay dates

You will need to adjust your process if you bring your payday forward in December and pay employees early. Follow the below steps:

When finalising the pay run, click the Edit button (pencil icon) shown below.
The date paid will show on the payrun and on payslips, however the FPS Date will be reported to Pay run edit.jpg

You can then enter an earlier pay date in the ‘Date paid’ field, and keep the FPS Date the same as normal. 
Finalise pay run

The date paid will show on the pay run and on payslips, however, the FPS Date will be reported to HMRC on the FPS.

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