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Run a tenure report

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin   

As an organisation, by running the Tenure Report, managers and administrators can track and check for how long your employees have been working with your company.  The Tenure Report feature includes a quick-view company tenure pie chart, showing the distribution of tenure among employees, and a filterable, searchable, and downloadable table displaying your tenure data.

Getting started

Create a tenure report
  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Click the Tenure Report box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the people tab and tenure report box
  4. Filter your search based on the following:
    • Employment status.
    • Location.
    • Team.
    • More.

    Helpful Hint

    Click the Apply button for every search filter you use.


Daily activities

Download your tenure report
  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Click the Tenure Report box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the people tab and tenure report box
  4. Filter your search based on the following:
    • Employment status.
    • Location.
    • Team.
    • More.

    Helpful Hint

    Click the Apply button for every search filter you use.

  5. Click the Download CSV button.

Explore related content

  • Create employee goal setting report This feature allows you to create a report on which of your employees have allocated goals (OKRs) within your organisation.
  • Goal progress reporting This feature allows you to create a report on the headway made by employees within your organisation on their allocated goals (OKRs).
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