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Create an employee turnover report

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin    

As an organisation, by running the Turnover Report, administrators can track and check the number of employees your company lost over a given period. The Turnover Report includes two pie charts showing at a glance your company's turnover, and below this we have added a filterable and searchable table that displays your organisation's tenure data.


The turnover report will only show terminations for employees who were fully onboarded. As this is intended logic, to avoid confusion with the Turnover Report in the future, our team recommend all employees are fully onboarded and activate their files to be included in all report data.

Getting started

How to create a turnover report
  1. Click the   Reports menu.
  2. Click the People tab.
  3. Click the Turnover Report box.
    screenshot of the reports page, with a highlight on the people tab and turnover report box
  4. Filter your search based on the following:
    • Team
    • Location
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Termination Type
    • Timeframe

    Helpful Hint

    Click the Apply button for every search filter you use.

    スクリーンショット 2024-02-26 午前9.54.08.jpg


The bar graph will display both employees and independent contractors, but does not display pending users.
The pie graph only displays employees but not contractors. This also displays both pending and active users.

Further information

What do the charts mean?

12-Month Turnover: Company

This chart will show you what your 12-month turnover is within your company, with two options shown, terminated employees and active employees you have had over the last 12 months.

12-Month Turnover: Team

This chart will show you the turnover number broken down by your organisation's teams as opposed to a straight active vs terminated chart shown in the company graph. If you need to assign employees to a team, refer to this article; and to create a team, refer to this article.

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