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Unpaid Employees Report via the New HR platform

Available for the following New HR plan Standard, Premium, Platinum Available for the following user access levels: Employee, Manager, Admin

The Unpaid Employee Reporting feature allows you to create a report on the last date your non-terminated employees received payment via a pay run within your payroll platform. You can also use this feature to download an Excel or CSV file of this data or save the information in a printable PDF format.

Getting started

Running an unpaid employee's report
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Employee Report button.
  3. Click the Unpaid Employees Report button.
  4. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date.
    • Pay schedule.
    • Employee default location.
  5. Click the Run Report button.
    sscreenshot of where to click on run report to run the unpaid employees report
  6. You will now see the unpaid employee report data.


Download the report: Excel
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Employee Report button.
  3. Click the Unpaid Employees Report button.
  4. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date.
    • Pay schedule.
    • Employee default location.
  5. Click the Run Report button.
  6. Click the Download button.
  7. Click the Excel button.
    Screenshot of where to tap the excel button to download the unpaid employees report to an excel file
Download the report: CSV
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Employee Report button.
  3. Click the Unpaid Employees Report button.
  4. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date.
    • Pay schedule.
    • Employee default location.
  5. Click the Run Report button.
  6. Click the Download button.
  7. Click the CSV button.
    Screenshot of where to tap the excel button to download the unpaid employees report to a CSV file
Download the report: PDF
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Employee Report button.
  3. Click the Unpaid Employees Report button.
  4. Select from the following fields:
    • As at date.
    • Pay schedule.
    • Employee default location.
  5. Click the Run Report button.
  6. Click the Download button.
  7. Click the PDF button.
    Screenshot of where to tap the excel button to download the unpaid employees report to a PDF file

Author recommended

So you have now run an employee details report and you are now wondering what next can I can do? There are two recommendations I would make on this front and they are:

  • TBA: This feature allows you to create a report on the employee file changes within your organisation and see details such as the changes made, the channel, the section, the old value and the new value.
  • TBA: This feature allows you to create your own employee details report along with in-depth instructions on how to complete both this and update employee details on your HR platform.
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