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Setting up onboarding checklists

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access level: Admin    

The Onboarding Checklist feature aids hiring managers in managing the steps required to integrate new staff into the company. Administrators can create, edit, clone, and delete tasks within these checklists to streamline the onboarding process. Before starting the onboarding process, make sure the employee’s location, team, and primary manager are correct. This will ensure we trigger the appropriate tasks for the right individuals. Note that if the tasks feature is hidden from the side menu, the onboarding checklist feature cannot be used.

  Interactive learning

Click here for an interactive demo
Click here to watch a video

Getting started

Create an onboarding checklist
    1. Click the   General Settings menu.
    2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
    3. Click the Onboarding tab.
    4. Click the New Checklist button.
      screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the new checklist button
    5. Complete the following fields:
      • Name.
      • Apply checklist to:
        • All employees.
        • Select team.
    6. Click the Add Task button.
      screenshot showing the details of the new checklist, with a highlight on the add task button
    7. Complete the following fields:
      • Name.
      • Description.
      • Do you want all administrators to receive this task?


      This option will only trigger a notification for admins within your organisation, not owners.

      • Do you want all managers to receive this task?
      • Do you want all employees to receive this task?
      • Send this task to an email address. (You can enter an email address in the text box)
      • Other owners.
      • Due date.
    8. Click the Subtask button and list any additional subtasks.
      Add onboarding tasks

  1. Click the Save button.

    Helpful Hint

    Repeat steps 6 to 9 for each task that needs assigning to the onboarding checklist.

    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the save button

Data management

Clone an onboarding checklist
  1. Click the   General Settings menu.
  2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Onboarding tab.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Clone button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and clone buttons
  6. Make the required changes and click the Save button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the save button
Clone an onboarding task
  1. Click the   General Settings menu.
  2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Onboarding tab.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and edit buttons
  6. Click the Actions button.
  7. Click the Clone button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and clone buttons
  8. Make any required changes and then click the Save button.

Edit an onboarding checklist
      1. Click the   General Settings menu.
      2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
      3. Click the Onboarding tab.
      4. Click the Actions button.
      5. Click the Edit button.
        screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and edit buttons
      6. You can edit the following details on this screen:
        • Name of checklist.
        • Who the checklist applies to.
        • You can add a task to the existing checklist, if required.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the save button
    If you want to edit a task within a checklist, see the edit an onboarding task instructions below.
Edit an onboarding task
  1. Click the   General Settings menu.
  2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Onboarding tab.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and edit buttons
  6. Click the Actions button.
  7. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and edit buttons
  8. Make the required changes and click the Save button.

Removing data

Delete an onboarding task
  1. Click the   General Settings menu.
  2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Onboarding tab.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Edit button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and delete buttons
  6. Click the Actions button.
  7. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and delete buttons
  8. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the confirmation of deletion
Delete an onboarding checklist
  1. Click the   General Settings menu.
  2. Click the Checklist Settings submenu.
  3. Click the Onboarding tab.
  4. Click the Actions button.
  5. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the checklist settings page, with a highlight on the actions dropdown and clone buttons
  6. Click the Delete button.
    screenshot of the pop up confirming deletion

Further information

Where can I manually trigger an onboarding checklist?

The three articles below cover where you can manually trigger an onboarding task:

Explore related content

  • Setup Your Offboarding Checklists This feature allows you to create a group of tasks that will be activated when you offboard an employee from your platform.
  • My Tasks This article will walk people through how to manage their task lists, which the platform will create based on the onboarding checklist you have just created.
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