How do I manage pay slip settings via the Payroll platform?

Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium

The payroll platform provides a wealth of information on how your employees can receive pay slips that are customised to the needs and preferences of both you and your organisation. As covered here, users of Employment Hero's Payroll platform can tailor-make their pay slips with their own business logos and documentation to ensure a unique and personalised experience for staff.

Getting started

Add a business logo
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Access the Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Pay Slips button.
  5. Click the Choose a Logo button.
  6. Click the Select a File button.
  7. Click the Confirm Upload button.

Helpful Hint

For customers with an HR and Payroll connection, please ensure that you upload a logo for this to appear on the payslip on the HR platform.

Configure section visibility
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Pay Slips button.
  5. Select the following tick boxes that you require:
    • Show job title/classification
    • Show employee address
    • Alphabetise pay rate
    • Show base rate
    • Show rate for annual earnings
    • Show leave accruals
    • Show employee ID

    Helpful Hint

    The employee ID is the unique number that the payroll platform automatically generates and assigns to an employee file.

    • Show employee external ID

    Helpful Hint

    An employee external ID is the unique number that an administrator manually assigns to an employee's payroll file.

    • Show line notes
    • Show location in line notes
    • Show year to date column
    • Show hours/units paid

    Helpful Hint

    The field will hide the hours paid in the pay slip header.

    • Pay period reflects employee start date and termination date

    Helpful Hint

    Set pay period dates to reflect an employee’s actual employment if they join or leave during a pay period.

    • Employees must log in to download pay slips and EA/PCB2 forms


    The Employees must log in to download pay slips and EA/PCB2 forms field only applies if your employees are logging into the payroll platform to access their pay slips. When they're connected to the HR platform, on the other hand, they will access and download their pay slips from the HR platform.

  6. Click the Save button.

Editing data

Edit a business logo
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Access the Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Pay Slips button.
  5. Click the Choose another Logo button.
  6. Click the Select File button and select your desired logo file.
  7. Click the Confirm Upload button.

Removing data

Remove a business logo
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the Business Settings menu.
  3. Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
  4. Click the Pay Slips button.
  5. Click the Remove Logo button.
    screenshot of Pay Slips window, highlighting Remove Logo button
  6. Click the Remove button from the Confirm remove? window.
    screenshot of Pay Slips  window, highlighting Remove button

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