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Viewing my assigned Goals (OKRs) | HR Web Platform

The HR platform uses the Objective, Key Results (OKRs) framework that focuses on transparent company, team, and employee goals. When using OKRs effectively, you will align and connect all your employees to your company goals. Meaning your entire workforce will have visibility of the company goals and how their team and them as an individual can contribute towards this common purpose.

OKRs can also increase employee productivity by providing a clear focus on your organisational goals. If an individual knows exactly what they are aiming for and knows they will receive recognition for their efforts towards certain objectives, key results or company goals then they will be more productive within their role.

The My dashboard feature provides you with easy access to the aspects of Employment Hero that are most important to you, such as viewing your assigned goals (OKRs). The HR platform updates the displayed data at regular intervals, to make sure you have the latest information at your disposal.


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
  User Access:   Employee         Manager         Admin      

  We base the default access level on a per user basis and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access and excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Data management

The below premise will walk you through how to view your goals (OKRS).

View my goals (OKRs)
  1. Click the   Home menu.
  2. Within the Goals (OKR) widget, you can click the desired goal to view further details.
    Screenshot of how to view goals on your employment hero dashboard

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