Available for the following Payroll plans: Standard, Premium
Available for the following user access levels: Admin
How do I import my employees using Flatfile?
You can use the Employee Flatfile Importing feature within the Payroll Settings module to bulk-import your employee file data. You will need to undertake the below steps via your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
The Flatfile import supports XLSX and CSV files. Other file types, such as TXT or PDF files will need to be converted..
- Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
- Click the Business Settings menu.
- Click the Payroll Settings submenu.
- Click the Import Employees button.
- Select the Flatfile Employee Import option from the Import Employees From drop-down.
- Click the Select File button.
- Click the Upload File button.
- Select the file that you wish to upload.
Helpful Hint
If you select the Export option, the platform will use the file data from the copied employee export data it retrieved from the Data Extracts page. If you select the LookupData option, you use any data that is currently in the LookupData tab within the Excel spreadsheet.
- Click the Continue button.
- Choose which columns in the CSV file to map to which fields in the payroll platform.
- Flatfile will validate the data itself. All data must be valid before Flatfile will allow you to submit.
Helpful Hint
Where data is invalid, double click the box and input valid data where necessary. The boxes may also include drop-down section where necessary.
- Once all data is valid, click the Submit button.
Helpful Hint
You will now see on your screen a status message showing the successful uploading of your employee data into your payroll platform.
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