PCB2 report - Payroll Web Platform


The PCB2 is a letter confirming that the employer has made all of the relevant deductions for a given year. It includes the year, employee name, identity card number, income tax reference number, and employee number. You should give this form to your employee who submits it to the Inland Revenue Board (IRB).


Payroll Plan:   Standard   Premium

Getting started

The below premise will walk you through how to run a PCB2 Report.

Generate the PCB2 report 
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the  Report menu.
  3. Navigate to Statutory reporting section
  4. Click the PCB2 Report button .MY_Reporting_pcb2.jpg
  5. Choose from the following filters:
    • Tax year
    • Pay Schedule
    • Employing Entity (if applicable)
    • Employee
    • Employee Default Location
  6. Click the Search button.

    Helpful Hint

    The on screen report contains the following data:

    • Employee Name.
    • Gross earnings (RM).
    • Yearly MTD (RM).
    • Yearly CP38 (RM).
    • Deduction MTD (RM).

    Your form is now in draft status and you can now edit the entries, publish them, and notify your organisations employees.



The below premise will walk you through how to edit your PCB2 form, ready to submit.

Edit the PCB2 form 
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the  Report menu.
  3. Navigate to Statutory reporting section
  4. Click the PCB2 Report button. MY_Reporting_pcb2.jpg
  5. Choose from the following filters:
    • Tax year
    • Pay Schedule
    • Employing Entity (if applicable)
    • Employee
    • Employee Default Location
  6. Click the Search button pcb21_search.jpg
  7. Either click the Actions button for the whole form at the top of the page and choose from the following options:
    • Generate PCB2 forms..
    • Regenerate PCB2 forms.
    • Publish all.
    • Unpublish all.
    • Notify all.
    • Download excel.
  8. Or click the Actions button for each employer and choose from the following options:
    • Edit.
    • Regenerate.
    • Download.
    • Publish.
    • Un-publish.
    • Send notification.
  9. Once you have finished editing, click the Save button. 
  10. Click either the Publish (an employee) or Publish All button.


    You can edit the tax year receipt number and date paid at the main level under the Report filter. When you click on the arrow it will expand item rows by month, allowing you to enter in the receipt/bank slip/transaction number and receipt/transaction date for the deductions that you have paid paid in the current basis year.

    You can download a published report by clicking on the Actions button and selecting the Download button. The platfomr will download the report as a PDF. You then have the choice to also Send Notifications, which notifies your employees that you have published the form.

    The platform will prepopulate each of the employee's PCB2 forms. Remember to click the Save button. We have included below and example of a PCB2 Form sample. We sourced this example for you from the IRB website


Further information

Explanation of each action you can take

Actions taken on the whole form

Generate PCB2 forms. Works the same way as the Search button, which will display the on screen high level report.
Regenerate PCB2 forms.

If you have included the employee in additional pay runs and you need to update the data within the PCB2 form, you can use the Regenerate button.

Publish all. Once you have saved the report, you are then able to Publish the report. Publishing the whole report allows the employee to view it within the Employee Self Service portal (ESS). Additionally, they will receive a notification depending on the settings on their Employee file Pay run defaults page.
Unpublish all If you have published all PCB2 forms and you you want to reverse this action, you can use the Unpublish All button. It will return the PCB2 form back to its draft state.
Notify all You will use this action when you have published the whole report, and now wish to notify all your employees that the PCB2 form is available to access.
Download excel Exports the data into an excel file.
Download all Allows you to download the PCB2 report as a PDF.

Actions taken per employee


You can input the receipt/bank slip/transaction number, and receipt/transaction date for the deductions that you have paid in the current year and it will prepopulate on the employee's PCB2 forms. Remember to click the Save button.

You can also do this at the main report level, which will then populate the receipt number and date paid to all of the employee's PCB2 forms.

Regenerate If you have included the employee in additional pay runs and you need to update the data within the PCB2 form, you can use the Regenerate button.

Allows you to download the PCB2 report as a PDF.


Once you have Saved the report, you can then publish the forms. Publishing the report allows the employee to view it within the Employee Self Service portal (ESS). Additionally, they will receive a notification depending on the settings on their Employee File Pay run defaults page. 


Will unpublish the form, setting the status back to Draft state.
Send notification Will notify the employee that the form is available for them to access.

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