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Send organisation policies to employees

This article explains how to send your organisation's policies to your employees. You can choose to share policies with different employees based on things like their team, location or employing entity. You can also share policies with individuals if required. This article also explains how to filter your policies within the policy management page.

Note: Before you send policies to your employees, you need to create your organisation's policies. You can learn how to do that in this article.

  Interactive learning

Walkthrough: Add and share organisation policies with employees

Share organisation policies with employees

How to share organisation policies with employees

Employees can only view or acknowledge policies assigned to them, and you can only report on policies marked as mandatory via the Policies Report. The reason for this is due to us not asking employees to acknowledge non-mandatory policy content.

  1. Click the  Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Policy Management submenu.
  3. Click the Actions  button.
  4. Click the   Share button.
    screenshot of the policy management screen, highlighting the share button
  5. Click the Is this Policy mandatory? checkbox if all employees must acknowledge this policy.
  6. Choose from the following sharing options:
    • All Employees.
    • All Contractors.
    • Share to individuals that match any of the following:
      • Team.
      • Location.
      • Employing entity.
      • Individual.
  7. Click the Publish button.
    screenshot of the policy sharing options pop up, highlighting the publish button

Filter your policies

How to filter your policies
  1. Click the  Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Policy Management submenu.
  3. Click the Filter   button.
    screenshot of the policy management page, highlighting the filter button
  4. Choose from the following:
    • Show all.
    • Status:
      • Published.
      • Draft.
    • Archive status:
      • Archived.
      • Active.

Further information

Can I share policies with employees based on their work types or job titles?

You can only share policies based on the following:

  • All employees.
  • All contractors.
  • Teams.
  • Locations.
  • Employing entities.
  • Specific individuals.

If you have some policies that need to be shared with employees under certain work types or job titles, we recommend creating a team based on those.

For example, let us say you need to share policies with your casual employees. You can create a team (e.g. "Casual"), add the concerned employees to that team, and enter "Casual" in the share settings of the policy.

To learn how to create a new team, please refer to this article: Set up my organisation's teams

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