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View employees' documents as their indirect manager

There may be instances where a manager tries to view employees' employment documents only to find that they are unable to access them.

This may be because the individual can not access the documents because they are assigned as the employee's indirect manager. This problem can apply even when the indirect manager is part of the relevant team and has the required security settings.

If this case, you – as the relevant administrator/manager – need to grant reporting line access to the indirect manager experiencing the problem.

Manage data

Grant reporting line access to indirect manager
  1. Click People from the main menu.

    A submenu that has the title People and the subtitle Personnel will now appear.

  2. On the People submenu, click Employees List.

    A page entitled Employees will now appear, and it will list all relevant employees.

  3. Click/enter the name of the employee whose file needs to be viewed by the indirect manager.

    A page that is called Overview will now appear and provide details of the employee whose name you selected.

  4. From the Overview menu to the left of the selected employee's details, click Uploaded Documents.

    screenshot of an employee's Overview page, highlighting Uploaded Documents button

    The selected employee's Uploaded Documents page will now appear.

  5. On the Uploaded Documents page, click Actions.

    A submenu that says View, Edit, and Delete will now appear.

  6. Click Edit.
    screenshot of Uploaded Documents page, highlighting Actions and Edit button

    A form called Edit uploaded document will now appear.

  7. In the Edit uploaded document form, find the Reporting-line access (Optional) field.
  8. Click the Indirect managers checkbox to toggle it on.
    screenshot of Edit uploaded document window, highlighting Indirect managers checkbox
  9. Click Save.

    Once you have ensured the Indirect managers checkbox has been toggled on and you have saved your changes, the problem should be resolved.

    Tip: To check whether you have been successful, you can ask the selected employee to upload a test document. Then, the indirect manager can check whether that test document is now viewable.

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