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View and acknowledge workplace policies

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee

Workplace policies and procedures articulate a business’s values and set clear expectations around the required behaviour and performance of you, as ‌their employee. This makes sure you know what the organisation expects of you and provides you with clarity on how you can meet these organisational expectations.

The Policies feature allows you to view and acknowledge your assigned policies and procedures. You can also use this feature to view your previously acknowledged policies and print a hard copy out for your records if needed. To read further information on how to add policies to this page via the Content Management feature, refer to this article.

Helpful Hint

Once a policy shows the status of archived, an employee can no longer acknowledge it.

Daily activities

Acknowledge a policy
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Polices submenu.
  3. Use the filters to find a policy.
  4. Click the policy, which you will be required to read and acknowledge.
    1 whistleblower policy (1).jpg
  5. Click the I acknowledge that I Have Read, Understood and Agree to Abide by the Terms of this Policy checkbox.
  6. Click the Acknowledge button.
    2 acknowledge policy.jpg
Print a policy
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Polices submenu.
  3. Click the policy that needs to be printed.
  4. Click the Print button.
    Print policy.jpg
View a policy
  1. Click the   Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Polices submenu.
  3. Click the policy that needs to be viewed. 1 whistleblower policy (1).jpg

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see your policy details on your screen.

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