Select your platform and then browse by platform category

Who are you and what section are you in?

Learning for team managers and individuals

Available for the following plans: Employment Plus, Employment Unlimited
Available for the following HR classic plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following Learning plans: Standard, Plus
Available for the following user access levels: Employee , Manager    , Admin    

My Learning summarises the learning content assigned to you and provides you with a direct link to access this content on the Employment Hero Learning platform. You can also access the full library of content within your organisation's learning platform and browse, review, and assign yourself additional learning material. You can access EH Learning and Go1 in My Learning, depending on the learning platform integration your organisation uses.

My learning content

Filter my learning content
  1. Click the   Development menu.
  2. Under Learning, click the My Learning submenu.
  3. Click the Course name field.
    screenshot of the my learning page, highlighting the course name field
  4. Filter your courses based on the following:
    • Enrolled by.
    • Status:
      • Assigned
      • Not Started
      • In Progress
      • Completed
    • Type:
      • Course
      • Interactive
      • Document
      • Video
      • Link
      • Audio
      • Award
  5. Click the Search button.
    screenshot of the my learning screen, showing the search filters and highlighting the search button
View all my learning content
  1. Click the   Learning menu.
  2. Under Learning, click the My Learning submenu.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see all your assigned learning content. You can click the Explore button to see the full library of content on our learning platform.

    screenshot of the my learning page, highlighting the explore button
View the details of a course
  1. Click the   Learning menu.
  2. Under Learning, click the My Learning submenu.
  3. Click the   button of the course you want to view.
    screenshot of the my learning screen, highlighting the plus button for a learning course

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the details of the course.

    screenshot of the my learning page, showing the details of a learning course

Managing Learning for my Team

View your team's learning
  1. Click the   Development menu.
  2. Click the Learning Management submenu.

    Helpful Hint

    You can click the Assign Learning button to take you to your learning platform, where you can assign further learning content to your team.


Further information

Why can I only assign learning to my direct reports?

Managers can only assign learning to their direct reports. Only users with Admin access can assign learning materials and courses to employees who are not within their direct reporting line. If you need to be able to perform this action often, please discuss with your organisation's admin about getting Admin User Access on the platform.

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