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Processing an employee overpayment within a pay run via the payroll platform


Providing you with a step-by-step guide on how you can process an employee's overpayment, which you can do via the Pay Run module. You will need to undertake the below steps via your Employment Hero Payroll platform.

Getting started

  Select which type of overpayment you want to make for the relevant instructions.

Earnings PAYE KiwiSaver

Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium

Processing an earnings overpayment
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the  Pay Run menu.
  3. Click the New Pay Run button.
  4. Select the Manually Add Employees to this Pay Run tick box.
  5. Select the Empty Pay Packets tick box.
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Pay schedule.
    • Pay period ending.
    • Date Pay Run will be paid.
  7. Click the Create button.
  8. Click on the Actions tab.
  9. Click the Pay Run Actions button.
  10. Click the Add Employees button.
  11. Type the name of the required employee into the Select an Employee field.
  12. Click the Add Employee button.
  13. Click the Close button.
  14. Click on the employee name that needs an earnings line added.
  15. Click the Actions button.
  16. Click the Add Earnings button.
  17. Select the relevant pay category within the Pay Category drop-down.
  18. Enter the repayment value as a negative amount.
  19. Click the Save button.
  20. Click the Finalisation button.
  21. Complete the following fields:
    • Date paid.
    • Create a pay event:
      • Create a pay event manually at a later date.
      • Create pay, even immediately.
  22. Click the Finalise button.

Explore related content

  • Payroll tax reporting: PAYE withholding This report will show you the PAYE withholding amounts processed within your organisation and will allow you to see if there are any further overpayments that you need to action.
  • Payroll reporting: KiwiSaver contributions This report will show you the KiwiSaver Contributions made within your organisation and will allow you to see if there are any further overpayments that you need to action.
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