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See who has overdue policies and send reminders

This article will show you how to see which of your employees have overdue policies. You can also see who has acknowledged your policies. You can choose to remind employees to acknowledge your policies.

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Overdue policies

See who has overdue policies
  1. Click the Reports menu.
  2. Click the Compliance tab.
  3. Click the Policy and Induction Reports box.  screenshot of the reports page, highlighting the policies and induction content reports box
  4. Click the Status drop-down menu.
  5. Click Select Status.
  6. Choose between:
    • Acknowledged
    • Overdue
      Policy status
  7. Employees with overdue policies will display in a list.
  8. Find the line with the employee you want to send a reminder to, then click Remind.
    screenshot of the policies and induction content report, highlighting the filters and remind button

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