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Automatically create a one-to-one (1:1) when a new employee is onboarded

Available for the following HR plan: Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Admin

An onboarding WorkFlow allows an organisation to customise its onboarding flow so that some repetitive tasks are automatically triggered when an employee reaches a certain stage of their onboarding. In this example, the Onboarding Workflow will automatically create a 1-1 for a newly onboarded employee.

You can learn more about how to manage Onboarding Workflows in this article.

Automatically create a 1 on 1 for new employees

How to add an onboarding automation workflow that creates a 1 on 1
  1. Click the WorkFlows menu.
  2. Click Onboarding, using the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
    Screenshot of workflows page with onboarding highlighted
  3. Click the Create New button.
    Onboarding workflow with create new highlighted
  4. Select Onboarding Automation.
  5. Click the Continue button.
    Select a template with onboarding template and continue highlighted
  6. Click the WHEN this happens field. Set the action to Employee has completed Onboarding setup.
    Onboarding automation with when this happens highlighted
  7. Click the Save button.
    Edit when triggers with save highlighted
  8. Click the IF these conditions are met field.
  9. You can leave the Add condition blank unless you would like additional criteria.
  10. Click the Save button.
    Change If conditions with save button highlighted
  11. Click the THEN do this field, under the Provisioned header.
    Onboarding workflow with then conditions highlighted
  12. Edit the following:
    • Under THEN, click Create 1:1.
  13. Complete the following fields:
    • Meeting title.
    • Meeting template.
    • Time
    • Remind type.
    • Email subject.
    • Email content.
  14. Click the Save button.

    Helpful Hint

    To add an additional step, click the  button below the last step.

  15. Click the Save button.


    You need to publish this workflow for it to become active.

    Save onboarding workflow with save highlighted

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