On our learning platform, discovering learning content has never been easier. Whether you are an individual aiming to upskill, or a manager looking to support employee growth. Our skills-based content discovery offers a streamlined, efficient, and targeted approach to finding the right learning content. Here are different ways to use it to your advantage.
Starting with a skill search
Navigate to the search bar and type in a specific skill you are interested in. For example, if you are looking to improve your time management abilities, simply type "time management." Immediately, you will see a range of content options associated with that skill.
Asking questions about a role
Not sure which skill is relevant for a particular job role? Input a question like, "What are some tips for use excel?" in the Search field. The Search AI will recommend a set of skills typically associated with that role, guiding your content selection and shaping the learning pathway.
Refining your search with filters
Once you have searched for a particular skill or asked a question, use the filters to refine your results further. You can apply filters including:
- Level: From beginner to advanced, select the level that aligns with your current knowledge and where you aim to be.
- Duration: Whether you have 10 minutes or an hour, filter content by its length to fit into your schedule.
- Content Type: Whether you prefer videos, audio, or interactive modules, choose the type of content that suits your learning style.
Identifying content mapped to the skill
Once you have refined your search, each content piece will have skills associated with it. This makes it easier to know that what you are about to dive into aligns with the competency you are aiming to develop. Click to preview and view the skills covered by the content.
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