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Add and delete bank account details

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee   , Admin   

Sometimes an employee, manager, or admin will need to update their bank account details when their circumstances change. The Banking Details feature allows you to add an employee's bank account details, specify the account number, how much to pay into each account, and if an employee can edit these details. You can also use this feature to edit any previously entered information and delete any data that is no longer required.

  Interactive learning

Interactive demo - Add bank account details

Add or change your own bank account details

Any employee can change their own bank account details using this method.

Add new bank account details
  1. Click the People menu.
  2. Click the Profile submenu.
  3. Select the Pay & compensation module.
  4. Click the Banking Details tab.
  5. Click the Add New button.
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Account name.
    • Account number.
    • Pay into account:
      • Percentage.

      Helpful Hint

      You can use the percentage function to set a percentage-based payment split between each account, i.e. two bank accounts with 50% in each percentage field, will split the employees wage evenly between both accounts.

      • Amount.

      Helpful Hint

      You can use the amount function to set a dollar-based payment split between each account  i.e. if you have two bank account fields and designate one of those accounts with a $400 amount, then the second bank field will default to remaining.

    • Type:
      • Employee
      • Organisation


      This field can only be seen and updated by platform Admins. Choosing Employee will allow the employee to update their banking details at any time. Choosing Organisation will mean only platform Admins can change the banking details of the employee.

      Employees must be able to edit at least one bank account - if an employee has more than one bank account set in their profile, you can select which account they can edit themselves.

  7. Click the Submit button. The platform will attempt to validate your details. If there are any issues regarding the format of your details, you will receive a notice advising you of the changes required.
Delete bank account details
  1. Click the Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs their bank account details deleted.
  4. Select the Pay & compensation module.
  5. Click the Banking Details tab.
  6. Click the Remove button.
  7. Click the Submit button.

Add or change an employee's bank account details

A company admin can use this method to change an employee's bank account details.

Add bank account details
  1. Click the Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee whose bank details need to be added.
  4. Select the Pay & compensation module.
  5. Click the Banking Details tab.
  6. Click the Add New button.
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • Account name.
    • Account number.
    • Pay into account:
      • Percentage.

      Helpful Hint

      You can use the percentage function to set a percentage based payment split between each account, i.e. two bank accounts with 50% in each percentage field, will split the employees wage evenly between both accounts.

      • Amount.

      Helpful Hint

      You can use the amount function to set a dollar-based payment split between each account  i.e. if you have two bank account fields and designate one of those accounts with a $400 amount, then the second bank field will default to remaining.

    • Type:
      • Employee
      • Organisation


      This field can only be seen and updated by platform Admins. Choosing Employee will allow the employee to update their banking details at any time. Choosing Organisation will mean only platform Admins can change the banking details of the employee.

      Employees must be able to edit at least one bank account - if an employee has more than one bank account set in their profile, you can select which account they can edit themselves.

  8. Click the Submit button.
Delete bank account details
  1. Click the Personnel menu.
  2. Click the Employees submenu.
  3. Select the employee that needs their bank account details deleted.
  4. Select the Pay & compensation module.
  5. Click the Banking Details tab.
  6. Click the Remove button.
  7. Click the Submit button.

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