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How do I access my assigned and uploaded documents via the HR platform?

Available for the following HR plans: Premium, Platinum
Available for the following user access levels: Employee    

The My Documents feature allows you to view contracts and documents assigned to you. You can agree to the contents by either using the electronic signature pad or uploading an image of your signature. You can also use this feature to view your assigned contracts, HR documents, and uploaded documents. It also allows you to print hard copies.

Only employees can view their assigned documents through the My Documents page. An administrator or manager needs to visit the employee file to view and access an employee's assigned documents. To find out more about how to add documentation, you can read the following articles:

  Interactive learning

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Getting started

Sign and accept a document
  1. Click the  Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Documents submenu.
  3. Select the document you want to sign and accept.
    screenshot of the my documents page, highlighting a document
  4. Click the By Signing and Finalising this Document tick box.
  5. Enter your signature in the Sign your Signature field.


    You can click the Upload button to import your existing signature pad. The recommended size for your upload is 300 x 100 pixels.

  6. Click the Sign and Accept button.
    screenshot of the document, highlighting the sign and accept button

Data management

View a document
  1. Click the  Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Documents submenu.
  3. Select the document you want to view.
    screenshot of the my documents page, highlighting a document

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the details of your HR document on your screen.

    screenshot showing the document's details and history
View uploaded documents
  1. Click the  Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Documents submenu.
  3. Select the document you want to view.
    screenshot of the my documents page, highlighting the uploaded documents section
Print a document
  1. Click the  Compliance menu.
  2. Click the Documents submenu.
  3. Select the document you want to print.
    screenshot of the my documents page, highlighting a document
  4. Click the Print button.
    screenshot of the document, highlighting the print button

Further information

What technology is used to capture signed documents?

Employment Hero uses technology similar to the electronic and digital signature technology found in other software products. It captures the required elements to make a document legally binding based on the requirements from countries around the world, including:

  • Making sure no document tampering occurs for users who have signed a document at the time of their intent (through the declaration made). The HR platform also secures the document and emails the hashed documents out to the signatory's email with a unique code that verifies the documents' authenticity.
  • Implementing top-grade authentication requirements for our users, such as strong passwords and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to verify a user's identity.
  • Making sure throughout the HR platform the clear intent behind customer interactions and illustrating areas that require customer consent.
  • Implementing security practises to hold documents securely and undertaking verification activities to make sure that no tampering of the digital signature has occurred. Including auditing of access and modifications made to the HR platform.
  • Implemented auditing systems to closely monitor all the protocols and practises above to help you in any disputes in relation to our document management processes.

Explore related content

  • HR platform: My Company Policies This feature allows you to view and acknowledge your assigned policies and procedures. You can also use this feature to view your previously acknowledged policies and print a hard copy out for your records.
  • HR platform: Employee Induction Content This feature allows you to view and acknowledge your assigned induction content. You can also use this feature to view your previously acknowledged content if you need a refresher on what you have acknowledged.
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