Select your platform and then browse by platform category

Who are you and what section are you in?

Invite contractors to join your platform via the HR platform

The last step an administrator needs to take for their contractors to use the platform is to send them an invitation to join Employment Hero. When accessing your contractor list, you can choose to send invitations in bulk to all pending contractors or you can resend an invitation to a specific user.


The initial invitation to join the HR platform expires within 72 hours. You can use the resend feature to generate a new invitation for those contractors who could not activate their account within this timeframe.


Resending an invitation is only available for contractors whose status shows as pending. So if you have contractors whose status shows as active, they will need to reset their password. To read further details on how a contractor can reset their password, refer to the following article.


HR Plan:   Premium   Platinum
  User Access:   Contractor         Manager         Admin      

  We base the default access level on a per user basis and whether they have  view,  edit and  delete access and excluding any changes made via our Custom Security feature.

Daily activities

Send out invitations to new contractors


Emails do not trigger if your platform is in Setup Mode. To read further details on how to disable setup mode, refer to the following article.

  1. Click the  People menu.
  2. Click the Independent Contractors submenu.
  3. Click the Send Invitations to New Contractors button.
Resend a contractors invitation


Emails do not trigger if your platform is in Setup Mode. To read further details on how to disable setup mode, refer to the following article.

  1. Click the  People menu.
  2. Click the Independent Contractors submenu.
  3. Click the Actions button.
  4. Click the Resend Invitation button.

Further information

How do I know is there is an expired invite?
  • We will create a new status in the contractor lists to show when they are invited to join your organisation has ‌expired. It will be 72 hours after we send the reminder email.
  • When they become expired, it creates a notification in the sidebar.
  • When an invitation is resent, their status returns to pending and after the page is reloaded, the notification disappears.
  • We have added an Invite Expired filter option and they automatically come up first on the employee list, so when people see the notification they know why immediately.

Legal Disclaimer

Please note that this module and any related content or templates are not all-inclusive and is intended for general information purposes only. It does not constitute legal or other advice. The content or templates may not be compliant with your local employment laws. Always seek professional legal advice. Employment Hero expressly disclaim any representation or warranties, express or implied, including without limitation any representations or warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, completeness, reliability and non-infringement. Employment Hero is not liable for any loss or damages arising either directly or indirectly as a result of reliance on, use of or inability to use any information provided in this module.

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