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Create and manage roster templates

Available for the following Payroll Plan: Standard, Premium
Available for the following User Access levels: Admin

The Roster Template feature allows you to create a roster template for your organisation. You can build these templates specific to the roles required within your organisation and then assign staff at a later stage. You can also use this feature to delete a template you no longer need, edit the data if the information changes, and copy an existing one to use as a base.

Helpful Hint

You can tell if you are on the Roster Template page vs the actual Roster Management page by a yellow banner at the top of the page.

Interactive demo

Click here for an interactive demo

Getting started

Create a template
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Action   button.
  4. Click the   Roster Template button.
  5. Click the Add button.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the Roster Template creation screen, where you can now add resources, shifts or bidding shifts


Daily activities

Apply a template
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Action   button.
  4. Click the   Roster Template button.
  5. Select the roster template that needs applying.
  6. Click the Apply button.
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • Apply to roster from x date.
    • When a shift cannot be created for an employee:
      • Create an unassigned shift.
      • Don't create a shift.
  8. Click the Apply button.

Editing data

Copy a template
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Action   button.
  4. Click the   Roster Template button.
  5. Click the   button.
  6. Complete the following fields:
    • Template name.
    • Copy employees currently assigned to this roster template.
  7. Click the Copy Roster Template button.
  8. Click the Close button.
Edit a template
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Action   button.
  4. Click the   Roster Template button.
  5. Click the   button.

    Helpful Hint

    You will now see the details of your roster template on your screen where you can now edit your resources, shifts or bidding shifts, with the platform saving any changes you make automatically.


Deleting data

Delete a template
  1. Log into your Employment Hero Payroll platform.
  2. Click the   Roster menu.
  3. Click the Roster Action   button.
  4. Click the   Roster Template button.
  5. Click the   button.
  6. Click the Delete button.
How to restore a deleted roster template
You can restore a roster template by clicking the Payroll Settings menu and then clicking the Restore Deleted Items button. Select the Roster Template option from the drop-down and a list of all deleted roster templates will appear on your screen. Click the Restore button against the template you want to reinstate.

Further information

What is the employee context panel?

A handy feature that exists in the employee roster screen is the Employee Context Panel. It provides more information about the employee in general, as well as a summary of the employee's scheduling information.

The panel can be accessed by simply clicking on the employee's name within the roster. From within the panel, there are three tabs that you can click on to get more information about:

  • The employee's work summary (shifts)
  • The employee's availability (upcoming leave or unavailability)
  • Work and selected personal details

By clicking on the More Details option, you will be directed to the Employee Details page.

Name of employee
Can I ‌configure settings after copying a template?

Once you have brought up the copy roster template context panel using either of the methods above, you will be able to configure the following settings:

  • Template Name: This field is empty by default and you can enter any template name you wish.
  • Copy employees currently assigned to the template: By clicking this option, all employees currently assigned to shift/s will remain assigned. If you unselect this option, a warning will display to advise the copied template will reassign any shifts filled by employees to resources instead.
  • Copy roster template: Once you have completed the above steps, click 'Copy roster template' to complete the process and duplicate the template.

copy roster template with tick box checked


Under this option, there will be an Employees drop-down menu where all employees included in the template will appear. All employees will be selected by default, and then you can deselect individual employees from being included in the copied template if required.

Screenshot of copy roster template screen with employees highlighted

Once the template has been successfully copied, you will be redirected depending on where you copied the template from.  If the roster template was copied from within the Roster Remplates context panel, you will be redirected back to the Roster Templates context panel.

Where the newly created/copied roster template will appear at the bottom of the list of templates. If the roster template was copied from within an existing roster template, you will be redirected to the open, newly created/copied roster template.  

What will get copied over if I copy a roster template?

The new roster template will copy over the same data that exists in the original template, with exceptions depending on the‌ configuration options. Specifically, the following roster settings will be copied to the new template:

  • All shifts: Including break times, locations, work types, etc;
  • Employees assigned to the shifts in the original template: This will be managed via the Copy Employees Currently Assigned to this Roster Template checkbox. Details of how this works are outlined in the previous section of the article;
  • Time period span: If the template spans over several weeks/fortnights, all shifts for the existing timeframe will be copied over.
Why am I unable to access some roster templates

You only have access to roster templates that match your user permissions. Managers with restricted access, i.e. employee or location access, will be able to view a roster template as long as they have permission to view the employees/locations within the template.

Who can create roster templates?
  • Full-access users.
  • Users with Manage Employee Rosters access if the business setting allows managers to edit roster templates.
Who can see roster templates?

Full-Access users can see all roster templates because they have access to all employees. Managers with restricted access (i.e. employee or location access) will be able to view a roster template as long as they have permission to view the employees/locations within the template. Remember that they need to be given access first via the Payroll Settings Manage users page.

When a restricted user logs in and navigates to roster templates, the platform will show all non-deleted roster templates, even those that a user does not have permission to access. However, a padlock icon will display against the templates that they cannot access, along with the reason they do not have permission to access it.

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